
Beyond Our Galaxy
Things Kept Secret from the Foundation of the World
Secrets of the Mojave
Days Before Tommorrow
Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Cities of the Deep



Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection (2 Volume Set)
Catalog #: SKU3109

Set of Two Books, Both Volumes of this incredible research by the Keeper of Egyptian Antiquities at the British Museum, E.A. Wallis Budge. Budge shows the reader the ancient worship of Osiris originating and flourishing in Africa. These volumes illustrate in depth and in rich detail the African and year-god character of the worship of Osiris. The religion of Osiris is very ancient and its analogies with later religions are clear, although there are differences in detail. The tale of of the mythology and ritual of Osiris had never before been told until Dr. Budge published these books.

Other Tongues Other Flesh
Catalog #: SKU1793

In more recent times, there has been a growing realization that on other worlds than ours, even in other universes, there are other living beings. The idea that earthbound man may someday journey into the heavens to discover other men and women, like or unlike himself, "grows by leaps and bounds. Within man's soul lies the truth--mortals exist on other spheres!

Our Hidden Forces
Catalog #: SKU3396

An Experimental Study of the Psychic Sciences

Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid
Catalog #: SKU2526

From one of the great researchers into the pyramids of Egypt, Piazzi Smith. Smith's work has been the basis or starting point for many researchers, scientific and religious, since this book was published.

Our Story of Atlantis
Catalog #: SKU2067

WHY is this book written? is the most pertinent question asked an author at the outset of composition. It is echoed and re-echoed by critic and reader upon its publication. It certainly appears to be a fair question whenever, the subjects seem so much out of the route of ordinary in formation, as the present volume.

Pagan and Christian Rome
Catalog #: SKU2082

It has been contended, and many still believe, that in ancient Rome the doctrines of Christ found no proselytes, except among the lower and poorer classes of citizens. That is certainly a noble picture which represents the new faith as searching among the haunts of poverty and slavery, seeking to inspire faith, hope, and charity in their occupants; to transform them from things into human beings; to make them believe in the happiness of a future life; to alleviate their present sufferings; to redeem their children from shame and servitude; to proclaim them equal to their masters. But the gospel found its way also to the mansions of the masters, nay, even to the palace of the C

Palmistry for All
Catalog #: SKU2920

There is no country in the world where the "study of character" is more indulged in than in the United States of America. During my many visits there I could not help remarking how even the "hardest headed" business men used any form of this study that they could get hold of to help them in their business dealings with other men and also in endeavouring to ascertain the character of their clerks and employees.

Catalog #: SKU3577

Generally considered as a legend, this author presents Pantika as a religion, a culture, and a way of life as observed by the ancients. These legends were as real to that people as Christianity is to its adherents.

Papers on the Great Pyramid
Catalog #: SKU2527

A short treatise on the measurements and calendrical aspects of the Great Pyramid

Paradise Found
Catalog #: SKU1883

This relatively new theory challenges the mainstream idea that the mankind (and/or the caucasion, aryan, white races) originated in the Mesopotamian Valley. There are indeed many evidences, facts and ancient writings that originate mankind's beginnings from the two Arctic regions. This book takes us one step farther... Eden was at the North Pole?! Sounds crazy, but such ideas are also embedded in ancient Jewish writings.

Path of Knowledge, Jnana Marga
Catalog #: SKU4017

A manual on Hermetic ways and knowledge

Pawnee Mystery of Life
Catalog #: SKU0223

Read and study into the beliefs, culture and mysteries of the Pawnee, a native American Indian tribe.

Peeps into the Psychic World
Catalog #: SKU3123

A collection of true stories of experiences with the psychic world

Catalog #: SKU2906

Peyote, the mystical 'weed' of the American Indians in the Southwest. This is an early observation by the US government of the Indian usage of this 'path to the spiritual.'

Catalog #: SKU2586

Real life experiences with phantasms reported in short story form.
