Ancient Mysteries Pyramids Giza-Genesis : The Best Kept Secrets (Volume 1)

Giza-Genesis : The Best Kept Secrets (Volume 1)

Giza-Genesis : The Best Kept Secrets (Volume 1)
Catalog # SKU0178
Weight 1.20 lbs
Author Name James Michael Wilkie & Howard Middleton-Jones


the Best Kept Secrets

by Howard Middleton-Jones
& James Michael Wilkie

Who actually built the Pyramids of the Giza Plateau, and why?

Is there a really a Hall of Records under the Giza Plateau?

Are the mythological figures of ancient Egypt - Osiris, Isis, Anubis, Horus, and others, actually the same characters represented in certain books of the Old Testament?

How did we evolve on this planet?

Where were we before earth?

Two world-recognized experts on Ancient Egypt, Civilization and Sites, Howard Middleton-Jones, and researcher, James Michael Wilkie, will publish several titles with Dandelion Books that will bring forth some of the most startling revelations ever imparted in the history of humankind.

This information has either been kept secret from the public domain or is so complex, it had been lost in the gigantic web of misunderstanding and misinterpretation. Middleton-Jones and Wilkie will take you on a voyage of discovery that journeys back in time to witness the very beginnings of earth and its early inhabitants and to the development of the early great civilizations of Sumer, Mesopotamia and Egypt.

It is believed that the ultimate discoveries that unfold on this voyage will assist humankind toward an understanding and preparation for what undoubtedly will come to pass in the coming months.


One of the biggest headaches in writing any article, book or paper is the dilemma of where, and in this case when, to start. The answer is obvious to some, the beginning! but how do you define 'beginning', or even 'end', if there is one?

To attempt an explanation as to the meaning of our findings in the climate of today, we found it necessary to cover a diverse range of subjects, concepts and hypothesis in order to unravel the whole complex web that is presently spinning around us. A few of the concepts and conclusions may appear bazaar to some, but in the majority of cases we have attempted to offer some form of background explanation and evidence where available.

The purpose of this series of publications is to bring into the public domain the global events that are and will be occurring, while at the same time offering an explanation as to the origins of humankind in this part of the cosmos.

What we are about to present is certainly no mean task, and by no means are we attempting to offer the definitive 'guide to the universe'. However, it is hoped that what is offered will assist and guide those of you out there who have been pondering some of the biggest questions since the birth of humanity, whenever that was!

Questions such as, are we alone? How did we evolve on this planet? Where were we before earth? Why are we presently experiencing an increasing number of earthquakes and anomalous weather patterns? And for some, even bigger questions such as who actually built the Pyramids of the Giza Plateau, and why? And is there really a Hall of Records under the Giza Plateau.

Believe it or not, all of these issues are inextricably linked in one gigantic web, a web that has been spinning for aeons and will continue to do so.

The information you are about to digest is one of the biggest, mind-blowing revelations ever imparted in the history of humankind. Information that has, in certain circles, either been covered up from the public domain or is so complex that it has been 'lost' in the gigantic web of misunderstanding, misinterpretation and the passing of time.

Attempting to solve the mystery of the origins of humankind is an immense undertaking in itself alone, but to offer an explanation as to the many associated surrounding "mysteries" may seem to be a form of suicide attempt!

However, the reader will soon begin to realise that much of the information begins to gel, or transform into one gigantic cosmic jig saw, piece by piece, thus shedding rays of enlightenment on us earthlings.

We will take you on a voyage of discovery, a voyage that journeys back in time to witness the very beginnings of earth and its early inhabitants, to the development of the early great civilizations of Sumer, Mesopotamia and Egypt to name but a few. A voyage of not only of our true origins, but one perhaps of self-discovery.

The ultimate discoveries that unfold on this voyage, will assist humankind towards an understanding and preparation for what undoubtedly will come to pass in the coming months.

236 pages, trade paperback

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