Historical Reprints
Esoteric - Spiritual
The stories, the false accusations, the trials, and the executions of American witch trials.
No class of works is received with more suspicion, I had almost said derision, than that which deals with Science and Religion. Science is tired of reconciliations between two things which never should have been contrasted; Religion is offended by the patronage of an ally which it professes not to need; and the critics have rightly discovered that, in most cases where Science is either pitted against Religion or fused with it, there is some fatal misconception to begin with as to the scope and province of either.
Natural Magic, White Magic, Black Magic, Divination, Occult Binding, Sorceries, And Their Power. Unctions, Love Medicines And Their Virtues. The Occult Virtue Of Things Which Are In Them Only In Their Life Time, And Such As Remain In Them Even After Their Death. The Occult Or Magical Virtue Of All Things, Etc.
A wave of Mysticism is passing over the civilised nations. It is welcomed by many: by more it is mistrusted. Even the minds to which it would naturally appeal are often restrained from sympathy by fears of vague speculative driftings and of transcendental emotionalism. Nor can it be doubted that such an attitude of aloofness is at once reasonable and inevitable.
The author, a doctor and Freemason, connects dots between science and mysticism.
After more than twenty years of continuous and careful study since the foregoing was written, I must still confirm and emphasize these basic propositions to-day. The attempt is herein made to apply them more particularly to the study of Psychology. To add to what was then discerned and designated as "the Modulus of Nature," an exact and comprehensive Theorem of Psychology.
With the invention of the telescope came an epoch in human history. To Hans Lippershey, a Dutch This book is designed (1) in satisfaction of the widely-expressed desire for a more particular account than has yet been rendered concerning the genesis of the writings claiming to constitute a "New Gospel of Interpretation"; and (2) in fulfilment of the duty incumbent on me as the survivor of the two recipients of such Gospel to spare no means which may minister to its recognition and acceptance by the world, for whose benefit it has been vouchsafed.
Charles Fort was a crank in the best sense of the word. Lovecraft and the X-files can't begin to compete with the spooky stuff he uncovered. In the early twentieth century he put together great quantities of exhaustively documented 'puzzling evidence', data which science is unable or unwilling to explain. (Large Print Edition)
"The Pearl of Great Price," as written by Bonus of Ferrara, and edited by Janus Lacinius. In the first place, it is one of the earliest works printed on alchemy, and the original is a very beautiful specimen of typography. Concerning the latter point, it is only necessary to say that it was issued from the press of Aldus, appearing in 1546.
It's difficult to believe that it has been over thirty years since the first channeled communications were received via telepathy from the Ashtar Command that ultimately went to make up the first edition of this book, The New World Order: Prophecies from Space.
We know in the West about most of the Biblical prophets from Isaiah to Edgar Cayce, but seldom do we consider that there are revered and respected prophets from other religions. This book about one such Eastern world prophet.
Some of the most curious prophecies, coming from England in the 18th century. Includes a synopsis of other prophecies, including one of Enoch and Seth.
THE RICH, ACTIVELY FULFILLED LIFE of the French prophet, Michel de Nostradame, is the story of genius not only in its rarest but its most modern form. His ability foreshadowed a hope, now gaining a first hearing in this our day, that science may, in some not too remote tomorrow, discover principles of mental forces which will permit every man to realize within himself a reflection of the powers of Nostradamus.
Not long ago, previously unpublished documents believed to have been written In Nostradamus' own hand began to surface among the wealthy upper crust of European society. Among these documents were Nostradamus notes on the meaning of dreams as well as the lucky numbers which coincided with each dream. Also found among his elaborate maze of notes was a key as to how these dream interpretations could be applied to each and every person, regardless of which century they were to live.
Public schools never teach that Sir Issac Newton was a Biblical student and researcher! Reprinted now is his study into the famous Bible prophecies.