World Hoax

World Hoax
Catalog # SKU0072
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Eranest F. Elmhurst


The World Hoax

By Ernest F. Elmhurst

Introduction by Wm. Pelley. An informative look at communism as a world movement and a Jewish stratagem . the six pointed star of Jewish communism being: Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Bela Kun, Stalin and Litvinoff.


The London Daily mail of July 20, 1933, asserted that during the last epoch before Hitler rose to power there were 20 times as many Jewish officials in the German government as compared with pre-war times. And not only the political offices had changed hands but also many of the civic chars and appointments. A communication of the Fichte Bund, Hamburg, revealed that in 1933 when Hitler became Chancellor, of 263 physicians employed by the Berlin Municipal Welfare Board, no less than 183 were Jews.

From page 186:

The Communists' frequent announcement of the coming violent overthrow of the United States government, and their openly stated intention of using terroristic methods in seizing possession of all the key institutions and major industries in the country, are all parts of the incitement to civil war, and therefore anti-national throughout. Once of the subtle features of this real "American tragedy"-in-the-making, lies in the fact that the Chief Executive is so blindly following the dictates of his coterie of Jewish brain-trusters, who covertly if not openly sympathize with and give their tacit support to the most dangerous elements in this country. One might, for instance, recall the suddenly checked press disclosures of the thoroughly corrupt Minnesota political machine of the late Floyd B. Olson-with whom the Chief Executive expressed himself as being in accord.

243 pages, Softbound

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