Publishers TGS Publishing

TGS Publishing

TGS Publishing

TGS Publishing, founded 1999, publishes out of print books, new authors, specialty books, and books for test marketing.

TGS has maintained a website presence via since 1999, making the top 100,000 websites in ranking several times during that period.

TGS is a wholesale supplier direct to bookstores and distributors, along with drop shipping orders for publishers, bookstores, and authors.

TGS maintains a Print on Demand operation for publishers and authors, keeping the price and costs the lowest in the industry, with 10 day turn around for orders.

TGS Services offers website construction, maintenance, shopping cart installations, domain name registrar services, and dedicated server leases.

TGS Publishing
22241 Pinedale Lane,
Frankston, Texas 75763


Blonde Race and the Aryan Culture
Catalog #: SKU2363

The Aryan history has been abused by Hitler and White Supremists. However, the true history and study of the Aryan is a mystical and mythical journey.

Blueprint for a Better World
Catalog #: SKU0595

One doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to realize that there is something seriously wrong with our present civilization. The global economy is rapidly collapsing, the world is beset with terrorism, war, famine, drought and virulent diseases. Pollution abounds and global desertification increases at the alarming rate of 20,000 square miles annually.

Catalog #: SKU2820

A scholarly study into the origin of the worship and idolization of twins in most religions. The Boanerges, the Dioscuri, the Heavenly Twins, all words for the same phenomena of religion's twins. The twins show up in Christianity and Judaism in the sacred texts, having a unique position in those religions, Jacob-Esau, Lea-Rachael, Jesus-Thomas, and possibly Cain-Abel.

Body Electric - Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life
Catalog #: SKU0651

"The Body Electric" tells the fascinating story of our bioelectric selves. Robert O. Becker, a pioneer in the field of regeneration and its relationship to electrical currents in living things, challenges the established mechanistic understanding of the body. He found clues to the healing process in the long-discarded theory of the 18th century vitalists that electricity is vital to the life process.

Body Snatchers
Catalog #: SKU1514

This book is about an alien race. They are taking over our planet. This alien race is known as 'the reptilians.' They are body snatching ~ taking over human bodies. I became involved with one such reptilian host and the reptilian entity working for him. I am now free of all of them. Exposed are unique insights into exactly how a reptilian exists as a human. Secrecy is their power.

Body Snatchers (KINDLE EDITION)
Catalog #: SKU4300

This book is about an alien race. They are taking over our planet. This alien race is known as 'the reptilians.' They are body snatching ~ taking over human bodies. I became involved with one such reptilian host and the reptilian entity working for him. I am now free of all of them. Exposed are unique insights into exactly how a reptilian exists as a human. Secrecy is their power.

Book of Ceremonial Magic
Catalog #: SKU1576

The Angels of the Seven Planets, their Sigils, the Signs and Houses of the Planets, the names of the Seven Heavens, according to the Magical Elements of Peter de Abano, with the names of the Olympic Spirits of the Planets according to the Arbatel of Magic, and the Infernal Sigils of the Evil Planetary Spirits according to the Red Dragon.

Book of Creation: SEPHER YEZIRAH
Catalog #: SKU1167

TGS reprints brings you a large 14 point font print edition of five complete translations of the Sefer Yetzirah in one volume. The Book of Creation, if authored by Abraham himself, would predate the Bible. This book is the beginning material for mystical Judaism, the Kaballah, and some factions of mystical Christianity. The Sefer Yetzirah is a must for any serious Biblical student and for open minded truthseekers. Even naysayers will have to admit, the Book of Creaton is the source of many mystical ideas found in Astrology, Tarot, etc....

Book of Curiosities
Catalog #: SKU3767

The present work not only embraces the Curiosities of human nature, but of Nature and Art in general, as well as Science and Literature. Surrounded with wonders, and lost in admiration, the inquisitive mind of man is ever anxious to know the hidden springs that put these wonders in motion; he eagerly inquires for some one to take him by the hand, and explain to him the curiosities of the universe.

Book of Delight
Catalog #: SKU1392

The writer has attempted in this volume to take up a few of the most characteristic points in Jewish doctrine and practice, and to explain some of the various phases through which they have passed, since the first centuries of the Christian era. A really nice overview of Judaism, Hebrew culture and its general history. 3 Books on this 'always enlightening' topic in one volume.

Book of Destiny
Catalog #: SKU0879

One of the most notable and finest esoteric books written.
Great Oracle of the Gods: called also The Book of the Speech of Hermes-Mercurius and the True Wheel of Fortune; Art of Knowing the Good Genii and Their Influence Upon the Destiny of Men; Occult Science of Jewels; Sidelights on Workings of Destiny in Business and Pleasure; Some Names of Womanhood; Curiosities of Planetary Lore; Wheel of Wisdom; Little Book of Divination by Flowers; Mystery of Dreams.

Book of Enoch : Schodde Translation
Catalog #: SKU1267

SCARCELY any department of theological science has, in the last few decades, received such marked S\attention and cultivation as that branch for which the Germans have adopted the felicitous appellation Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte,-the study of the age of Christ in its political, social, and religious aspects. The Schodde Translation of the Book of Enoch of 1882.

Book of Forbidden Knowledge
Catalog #: SKU3952

Black magic, superstitions, charms, diviniations, signs, omens, etc.

Book of Formulas
Catalog #: SKU4038

Spagyric Preparations for curing disease and conservation of health. Some of the rarest and most valuable secrets of the Ancient Medical and Hermetic Philosophy.

Book of Fruits and Flowers
Catalog #: SKU1288

A great book for survivalist libraries, preserving the knowledge of our ancestors. Katrina has proven we need to be prepared, and most of us do not contain the knowledge of home remedies and cures that even our great grandmothers possessed. Illustrated, this book teaches one how to prepare many remedies from fruits and flowers.
