Historical Reprints Mysteries Square of Sevens

Square of Sevens

Square of Sevens
Catalog # SKU2900
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name E. Irenaeus Stevenson


Square of Sevens

An Authoritative
System of Cartomancy

E. Irenaeus Stevenson

Fortune-telling with cards and belief in fortune-telling with cards-like a hundred greater and lesser follies of the mind-were straws floating along the current of British life, intellectual and social, during the reign of George the Second.



This was the case, in spite of the enlightening influences of religion, science, and philosophy. Modish society was addicted to matters over which argument was hardly worth while-in which respect we find modish society the same in all epochs. Our ancestresses particularly were often charming women, and almost as often sensible women; but, like the men of Athens, they were too superstitious. Often were they such in a fond and amusing degree. Lady Betty or Lady Selina-for that matter, even Sir Tompkin and my lord Puce-might be spirited men and women of the world. But they did not repudiate the idea of ghosts. They abhorred a mirror's breakage. They disliked a Friday's errand. They shuddered over a seven-times sneeze or at a howling dog at midnight. And the gentle sex, especially, would and did tell fortunes almost as jealously as play quadrille and piquet. Let us be courteous to them. Let us remember that Esoteric Buddhism, Faith Healing, and Psychic Phenomena were not yet enjoying systematic cultivation and solemn propagandism; and that relatively few dying folk were allowed to "go on with their dying" as part of a process of healing which excludes medicine and insists on the conviction that the invalids are not ill!


Take a Pack of Fifty-Two Cards, Shuffle the same well, Seven times. Then present the Pack to the Person whose Queries you seek to answer, who accordingly shall be called your Querist. Therewith must your Querist chuse from the Pack, without seeing the cards in it-three several Cards, which are to be called his Wish-Cards; the same being chosen with a Cut between each Choice. The Querist must not seek to see these same Wish-Cards; they are to be laid apart on the Table, or left to Repose in the Querist's care, till all that followeth of the Square, the Parallelogram, and the Reading be ended. Of the Dealing of a First Seven Cards.

Again take in hand your Pack and Shuffle it yet smartly, there being Forty-nine Cards now left in it. Proceed next earnestly to Deal them forth on the table in the following Order and Manner, and without first seeing their Faces. And be solicitous of laying them down just as they shall come, Faces upward, in a Downward and Oblique Line; taking them from the Topmost of the Pack until you have laid forth Seven, Cards.

100+pages - 6¾ x 8¼ softcover

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