
Catalog # SKU1174
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Tracy Twyman


Solomon's Treasure:
The Magic and Mystery
of America's Money
Tracy R. Twyman


It is commonly known now, more so than ever before, that the United States of America was founded largely by men with a philosophy grounded in the occult: namely the members of Freemasonry, and other secret societies, who saw in the US a potential 'New Atlantis' or 'New Jerusalem.' They foresaw the future of the United States as a beacon to the rest of the world, guiding the nations towards the formation of a New World Order of peace, democracy, and enlightenment. Many people today would agree that the US is indeed, in many ways, fulfilling this role already. If nothing else, most people would certainly agree that the America has come to dominate the world financially, and that among world currencies, the American dollar is king.

But what few people understand is the correlation between the esoteric doctrines of Masonry upon which the United States was founded, and the economic principles that underpin the American economy. Few understand that the dollar is a unit of magical energy, and the dollar bill itself a magical talisman. Although many words have been written by conspiracy theorists analyzing the Masonic symbols on the one dollar bill, no one has yet been able to sufficiently explain why these symbols are there, or what they really mean. Certainly no researcher yet has successfully connected the markings on American money to the hidden secrets of the American monetary system.

In Solomon's Treasure, author Tracy R. Twyman explains how the magic of the dollar operates. She states that the US dollar, and the global dominance of American money, has been key to the development of the New Atlantis foreseen by the founding fathers, and that this has been part of the plan from the very beginning. The riches of the New World spawned a global mercantile economy, centered on America, which led to the downfall of the old economic order, paving the way for the Freemason-inspired revolutions that swept Europe and transformed the world. This led to the creation of secular Republics and Capitalist economies throughout the West and beyond. These changes, the author says, would have been impossible without the uniquely magical properties of the American dollar, and the works which it financed. Indeed, she argues, the social, scientific, and technological advances of the past two centuries could not have occurred without them.

The author demonstrates that the creation of money by the Federal Reserve, and its exponential multiplication by the procedures of the banking system, is analogous to the creation and multiplication of gold in the metaphysical 'science' of alchemy. The power of money to transform almost any thing or situation into another is similar to the alchemical power of the so-called 'Universal Solvent' or 'Philosopher's Stone.' The members of the Federal Reserve Board, says the author, are in many ways like sorcerers, conjuring wealth seemingly out of thin air and distributing it at will to transform the American economy according to their desires. The dollar is 'fiat currency', declared into existence by the central bank in a manner similar to the creation of the universe by the divine words 'Let there be light!' The author also explores the history of the dollar prior to the formation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, and concludes that most of these principles were at work in the American economy from the very beginning.

This system, Twyman says, depends entirely on a religious faith by the American people in the supernatural power of the dollar. The power of the United States President and other elected officials to uphold and improve the economy depends largely upon their ability to manipulate the spiritual will of the people, in much the same way that a priest or a magician would, inspiring them to have faith in the value of the dollar. This faith is reinforced by the financial terminology currently in use, as well as by watchwords and symbols found on American money - not only on the bills and coins we currently use, but on those dating back from before the formation of the Republic. These objects thus act as magical charms, containing a unit of magical charge that is passed on from one person to the next as the money changes hands. They also act as tokens of communal trust in, and fidelity to, the dollar as an institution. The symbols and key phrases associated with it thus work to enchant the public into a mass hypnotic spell, in which the mind of each individual confirms the consensus belief in the power of a dollar, and its ability to multiply itself as it moves through the system. Every time a person spends a dollar, or accepts a dollar as payment, they are confirming their belief in the dollar, and using it to exercise their spiritual will. Even the familiar '$' sign has an occult meaning which is linked with these ideas.

Many of these things have their origin in yet another secret society - one which the Masonic fraternity claims to be descended from. The author of Solomon's Treasure reveals, to an unprecedented degree, the role played by the medieval warrior-monk heretics, the Knights Templar, in the development of Capitalism and the modern banking system. Because of their pivotal contributions, numerous modern financial terms, monetary concepts, and banking practices can be traced back to the Templars. Twyman further hypothesizes that the plan for the creation of a New Atlantis in a land beyond the 'Pillars of Hercules' (the Americas) may have originated with the Knights, with good evidence. Perhaps most shockingly, the author states that the modern concept of money is connected to that of the Baphomet, the idol worshipped by the Templars, who may be represented on the one dollar bill with the repeated use of the number 13. She also draws an interestingly link between America's wealth, King Solomon's treasure (believed by some to have been discovered by the Knights Templar), and the fabled 'lost treasure of the Knights Templar.' She believes that this was not a vast horde of gold, but a formula for creating wealth. This formula, the author says, was probably discovered by the Templars and passed on to certain Freemasons, who used it to construct the architecture of the US banking system.

Analyzing the concept of money on a wider spectrum, the author of Solomon's Treasure illustrates how America's monetary system reflects Masonic teachings regarding wealth, money and business. Furthermore, she shows that these principles are rooted in the ancient religious traditions of Christianity, Judaism, and pagan idol worship. In this book, she successfully argues the following: that money has always been seen as being representative of both divine and royal power; that the coining of money has always been associated with the priesthood; that the operation of the economy has always been seen as metaphysical; that the tokens of money have always been thought of as enchanted objects; and that the gaining of wealth has often been viewed as being the result of allying oneself with divine or demonic powers.


Chapter Six:
The Death of the West and the Birth of the Temple

The rise and fall of the Roman Empire mirrored the rise and fall of the Roman mercantile economy, and in fact, Rome's decline was largely caused by a decline in trade. It was the ancient Lydians who had first begun the minting of coins, but it was the enterprising Greeks who spread the trade of coins around the ancient world to all of the many nations with which they did business. The Romans, who succeeded the Greeks as the next great culture, took it even further. As the expanding empire conquered more and more foreign lands and appropriated them ito their economy, they built what Jack Weatherford describes in A History of Money as:

---the world's first empire organized around money. Whereas the great Egyptian, Persian, and other traditional empires had largely rejected money in favor of government as the main organizing principle, Rome promoted the use of money and organized all of its affairs around the new commodity.

But this same process would eventually become their undoing. Like the Spaniards who would later appropriate American lands into their empire, the Romans fell into the same trap. Their conquests made them rich, but the decadent emperors rapidly spent their money importing luxury goods from these and other foreign lands. They purchased much, but they exported little, and thus Rome's wealth flowed in only one direction out of Rome. To make matters worse, they now had a huge empire to maintain, which was expensive, and they also continued their military efforts to expand this empire, which meant hiring mercenary armies.

To pay for everything, one emperor, Nero, tried to increase the amount of money available by reducing the silver and gold content of the coins, and making them smaller. All this resulted in, of course, was inflation, and each of the coins was now worth less than it was before. To get more of these devalued coins into the government coffers, taxes were increased greatly, while welfare programs were devised to keep the poor from rioting. As any student of trickle-down economics will tell you, such actions stifle growth and discourage enterprise. But in the latter days of he Roman empire, the effects of this would forever alter the very economic system in which society operated. They slouched from a relatively free society with a free market and an open class system (with class defined by monetary wealth) towards a closed, repressive, and highly stratified caste system based upon the privilege of noble birth. As John Weatherford explains:

Like people anywhere, once the tax hardens became too high in comparison to the benefits and services offered by the government, the Roman subjects found ways to avoid taxation. Commerce declined. People produced more of what they needed for themselves and traded less on the open market. While the poor suffered from heavy property taxes, the latifundia, the great landed estates, grew greatly, particularly those that had been granted a tax-free status. The high taxes induced more peasants to abandon their land and move to the tax-free estates where they at least had a steady supply of food and the essential goods produced on the estate itself.

In other words, society was slouching towards feudalism, which would soon become the West's new economic system. The way was further paved for a feudal state when Emperor Diocletian initiated laws forbidding farmers from selling their land, and dictating that all sons had to follow in the same profession as their fathers. Thus generations were locked into the same occupation on the same piece of land. Money all but vanished from society. The government was still minting highly-devalued coins for commerce, but refused to accept them as payment for taxes. Soon there was so little money around, and what there was inspired so little confidence, that the government found it had to conscript people into slavery to complete state projects. They also persecuted Christians within their domains, and appropriated what wealth they had.

Things took an interesting turn with the rule of Emperor Constantine from 306 to 337. It was he who, after experiencing a religious vision, converted to Christianity, and made it the new religion of the state. Some cynical historians choose to say that Constantine was just an opportunist who wanted to use Christianity for his own ends, and they say that he remained an unrepentant pagan who only "truly" converted to Christ on his deathbed. But to be specific, the cult that Constantine remained loyal to was that of Sol Invictus, or "the Invincible Sun", in which the Sun was revered as a symbol of the omnipotent God. I submit to you that this does not a "pagan" make.

At any rate, Constantine contributed much to the historical foundations of Christianity. He issued the Edict of Milan in 313, which gave Christians the right to practice their religion freely, and returned their confiscated property. In 325, he convened the Council of Nicea, which developed the Nicean Creed, a major basis for all mainstream Christian thought today. Because of these things he gained the moniker "the thirteenth Apostle." He then proceeded to have many of the pagan temples of Rome looted for their gold and silver artifacts, which he melted down and had minted into coins. These he used to finance the building of a new, Christianized capitol in the East on the Black Sea, which he named after himself: Constantinople.

In doing so, he diverted all future investment and trade to the new capitol as well. This was the beginning of what would become known to historians as the "Byzantine", not the "Roman", empire (although the people of the new Eastern Empire still called themselves "Romanians' at the time). Byzantium continued to flourish, but the old Roman Empire collapsed. It was sacked by barbarians in 476, and thus began what was known as the "Dark Ages" of the West.

With no real money in circulation, Feudalism became the new economic system. From 476 until the emergence of the "Renaissance" (put by some historians at about 1350 B.C.), peasants worked on large manors owned by nobles, where every effort was made to keep the manor self-sufficient. On the manor, they produced their own food, clothes, amid tools, and paid their taxes in these goods. Everyone lived and died on the same manor, just as their father had done before them. Reading, writing, math, and every form of learning or science virtually ceased. The only way to learn these things was to join the clergy, which is why the Catholic monastic orders became the new bastions of the intelligentsia. Because of their overall ignorance, people were reluctant to use money for trade, as most people did not know how to figure numbers at all. Learning and trade continued in the Byzantine East, but iii the West, it was dead.

The only people who were lending out money at all in Europe were Jews. For many years, Jews had been banned from practicing any Profession other than money-lending. This was not done just because Jews were "good with money."

Softbound, 6x8.5, 200+ pages


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