Science Mysteries
Science History
Mars, the planet of mystery, and the planet of hope for a future for the human race in this solar system. This book is a history of the study of Mars and a scientific look at Mars' possibilities and difficulties.
There is no doubt that hypnotism is a very old subject, though the name was not invented till 1850. In it was wrapped up the "mysteries of Isis" in Egypt thousands of years ago, and probably it was one of the weapons, if not the chief instrument of operation, of the magi mentioned in the Bible and of the "wise men" of Babylon and Egypt. "Laying on of hands" must have been a form of mesmerism, and Greek oracles of Delphi and other places seem to have been delivered by priests or priestesses who went into trances of self-induced hypnotism.
The famous MU series by Col. James Churchward who spent his lifetime researching the vanished Pacific continent and super-civilization of Mu. This volume traces the birth of the Earth according to the Cosmic Farces of Mu. As the author writes: `I am now going to take you back...millions upon millions of years before man first trod on the earth, and aeons of time before history commenced to be written.`
An eloquent plea from a scientist and Christian, to the Christan arena of wolves (preachers), claiming that science can only prove God... not erase Him.
As many know there is a wide array of disinformation sites and people out there posing as individuals working to quash the Planet X awakening. It's a huge coordinated undertaking. These disinfo agents can't SEEM TO BE AFFILIATED WITH EACH OTHER. So, most all disinformation sites and people attack each other and don't associate themselves with anyone else to make it appear they are not working together.
A valuable research effort from 1874. Had the people of earth heeded it's revelations would our planet be ailing from human destruction today? George P. Marsh offers an object, fair, and balanced look at how mankind is destroying the planet and how man has benefitted the planet. Nearly 500 pages and heavily documented with over 640 footnotes. This is one of the early books published on 'greening' the earth and making our planet sustainable. An environmentalist's resource!
Inasmuch as, by the Divine mercy of the Lord, the interiors which are of my spirit have been opened in me, and it has thereby been given me to speak with spirits and angels, not only with those who are near our Earth, but also with those who are near other earths; and since I had an ardent desire to know whether there were other earths, and to know their character and the character of their inhabitants; it has been granted me by the Lord to speak and have intercourse with spirits and angels who are from other earths, with some for a day, with some for a week, with some for months; and to be instructed by them respecting the earths from and near which they were, and concerning the life, customs, and worship of their inhabitants, besides various other things there that are worthy of note. Large print 15 point font.
A Republished How-To book as part of a collection for urban survival by TGS Publishing. This is not just a general theory book on electricity, as it includes many experiments and diagrams for practical applications. Electricity, like every science, presents two phases to the student, one belonging to a theoretical knowledge, and the other which pertains to the practical application of that knowledge. The boy is directly interested in the practical use which he can make of this wonderful phenomenon in nature.
Day by day it becomes more evident that not one of the many existing theories is adequate to the explanation of the known phenomena: but, in spite of this obvious fact, attempts are still constantly being made, even by most eminent men, to rule the results of experimental science into line with this or that accepted theory.
The author investigates the difference of theory between religion and science. Perhaps they are one and the same story?
How did the solar system come about? How did earth get positioned perfectly to support life as we know it? How did the moon become it's perfecting satellite?
The search for life beyond earth is one of NASA's projects... life, outside our planet, even in its most rudimentary form, would put mankind on a new venture to knowledge of our possible origins. In theological thought, it is the search for God.
Planting man on another planet, colonizing Mars or Venus, expanding man's outreach to the farthest parts of the galaxy... Mankind is beginning to explore for places to land its ships... the 21st century Lewis and Clark expedition is closer than you would think.
The search for our universal brethren is on -- man is looking for them now. How will we find them? What will we do when we do?
Why would the FBI be tracking and investigating Nikola Tesla? National security, or national secrets, or were his inventions considered as national treasures and importance?