Reluctant 13th Disciple

Reluctant 13th Disciple
Catalog # SKU3609
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 2.00 lbs
Author Name Bill Newman
ISBN 10: 1610339983
ISBN 13: 9781610339988


The Reluctant 13th Disciple

My Life With Jesus

Bill Newman

Write a book? Who me? Become an author? I was reluctant! Here I am, at age 82, being urged by the wondrous voice that, through the years, I had come to recognize as Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus). My recurring dreams and meditations had revealed that at the time of his life on earth, he had asked me to become his disciple. Is reluctance my middle name? Having come to me, very dynamically at age 10, during this lifetime, and guiding me through the years, he is now making it clear that I am not going to squirm out of his request this time.

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"A 21st century disciple?" I questioned in a state of shock. I had been writing down his short messages through the years, but still viewed myself as a craftsman, always believing my brains had settled in my hands. Therefore, authoring a book was something I considered totally foreign. Regardless of my reluctance, however, Jeshua said loud and clear: "Drop that hammer and pick up your pen! You have always been a builder. By writing, you can erect a white city."

I hear you asking: with so many books written about Jeshua, why is this one necessary? Many of his original teachings, such as reincarnation, self mastery, joint Sonship, and the androgynous God, have been omitted to keep mankind powerless. Terms like hell, judgment, sin and the only begotten son, were inserted for control. Therefore, the depth of his teachings have not been fully understood or applied. Strongly guided to relate what I recall when he walked the Earth, this pen, with the help of the Holy Spirit, wishes to share the truth of what he really said.

The need is immense; change is in the air! Tensions are increasing and uncertainty is evident within people's eyes. Approximately every 2,000 years a new cycle begins, one of which we are now entering. Love and fear are on a scale. Fear will arise unless there is an understanding of God's ever-present love and divine protection. The precious words of Jeshua in this book will help to eliminate your fears.

Quantum physics is presently exemplifying the spiritual realm that Jeshua attempted to reveal, but very few people 2,000 years ago were able to comprehend. We are now nearing the critical mass of awareness that what we see, while in these physical bodies, is but a thin veil away from the deeper spiritual truths.

Having misinterpreted the early Earth Age of Taurus as mere material wealth; the following Arian Age of Fire as horrendous animal sacrifices; the present Piscean Age of Water as lowly emotions instead of divine feelings, let us finally get it right by recognizing the incoming Aquarian Age of Air for what it really is--the heavenly air of resurrection and ascension. This is far greater than the air of intellect, for the brain cannot turn the key of the heart at the center of our being or unlock the door of the holy breath of God. Because such a noble age is currently upon us, I pray that this book will inspire and allow you to overcome your reluctance; to venture beyond the marketplace into the miracle of discovering the inner depth of God's love.

Although there is a vast difference between the ancient times of Christ and the present, mankind's attitudes have changed very little-the majority are still in disarray and disunity. It is now time for the Christ Mind to be embraced en masse. A new age is birthing! It is up to those of us who understand the awakening of our Inner Christ to help our fellowman. Jeshua came 2,000 years ago to transmute our consciousness with love. He planted the seeds that have sprouted and grown into a divine Tree of Life. In many souls his precious seeds are ready to bear fruit! Jeshua's embodiment of the Christ Consciousness is anxious to, as he says: "Reap the harvest."

My former lifetime as Elam can be seen as a prototype of anyone struggling to survive and make his or her mark upon the world. Meeting his heart head-on, Elam found happiness in serving others. The fact that he did not do so soon enough to become a full disciple has haunted him (me) for the past 2,000 years. Do not make the same mistake and miss your opportunity to merge with your Inner Christ. I hope this book inspires you to turn within, find your spiritual kingdom, and remember your original oneness as a child of God. This is your time for empowerment, for: "You are Gods; children of the light. Look not here and there, for the kingdom of God is within you." Ps. 82:6; Luke 17:21; 1 Thes. 5:5.

560 pages - 7 x 8½ softcover

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