The Human Mind Mind and Brain Studies


Complete Hypnotism : Mesmerism, Mind Reading and Spiritualism
Risking Being Alive - Wisdom of NOW
CLAIRVOYANCE and Occult Powers

Mind and Brain Studies


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Power of Mental Imagery
Catalog #: SKU1622

A power packed booklet teaching one how to use the power of his mind to affect and control situations in business and life.

Power of Mental Imagery
Catalog #: SKU3703

Imagination relates either to the past, the present or the future. On the one hand, it is the outright re-imagery in the mind's eye of past experiences. On the other hand, it is the creation of new and original mental images or visions by the recombination of old experiential elements.

Catalog #: SKU1209

Sometimes the inroads of science have seemed to threaten the foundations of man's most sacred faith. But in the end the essentials of faith have been marvellously enriched. The widespread inquiry into customs, traditions, races, and religions has tended toward the unification of all our thinking about mankind.

Power of Will
Catalog #: SKU1263

his is not a book on theory or purpose of will, but a real 'how to' develop and practice your own will. Many exercises are included on developing your will power. Remember this, all that you will ever know in this world, every iota of knowledge you will ever possess, comes to you through your Five Senses. A child without Sight, Hearing, Touch, Taste or Smell never would gain any knowledge, it would be but a physical machine absolutely devoid of the ability to know, think, reason or understand.

Practical Guide To Self-Hypnosis
Catalog #: SKU1623

All of us like to think that our actions and reactions are a result of logical thought processes, but the fact is that suggestion influences our thinking a great deal more than logic. Consciously or unconsciously, our feelings about almost everything are largely molded by ready-made opinions and attitudes fostered by our mass methods of communication.

Primeval Degenerates - Coercion and Perversion
Catalog #: SKU3135

Facsimile reprint of this hard to find book. A rather surprising concept of just what a perverted degenerate is.

Prometheus Rising
Catalog #: SKU0459

Imagine trying to make sense of an amalgam of Timothy Leary

Catalog #: SKU0234

The unconscious (subconscious) aspect of the human mind has long been shrouded in mystery. This bold and dynamic book reveals the key to communicating directly with this little understood realm of our psyche. Exploring different facets of behavior allow the clear analysis of the nature of what is hidden within the deeper elements of the mind and how these controlling patterns of behavior came to be.

Psychology and Achievement
Catalog #: SKU3704

The men of the nineteenth century have harnessed the forces of the outer world. The age is now at hand that shall harness the energies of mind, new-found in the psychological laboratory, and shall put them at the service of humanity.

Psychology of Beauty
Catalog #: SKU3121

A look at the symmetry of beauty in the visual, aural, and form.

Psychology of Salesmanship
Catalog #: SKU3646

Until the last few years the mere mention of the word "psychology" in connection with business was apt to be greeted with a shrug of the shoulders, a significant raising of the eyebrows-and a change of the subject. Psychology was a subject that savored of the class room, or else was thought to be somehow concerned with the soul, or possibly related to the abnormal phenomena generally classified as "psychic."

Psychoma : Soul Sleep
Catalog #: SKU0914

Existence as we know it, Birth and Death, Astral- physical- spiritual life, Psychic Visions, Subliminal Self ransmutation: Sex, Law of Vibration, Solar Plexus, Law of Concentration-Meditaion Awakening: Aspiration, Subconsious Mind, Obsession Mastership: Cosmic Consiousness, Happiness, Dominion, Healing

Quit Your Worrying!
Catalog #: SKU1325

Between twenty and thirty years ago, I became involved in a series of occurrences and conditions of so painful and distressing a character that for over six months I was unable to sleep more than one or two hours out of the twenty-four. In common parlance I was "worrying myself to death," when, mercifully, a total collapse of mind and body came.

Risking Being Alive - Wisdom of NOW
Catalog #: SKU0659

Risking Being Alive is a collection of ideas, experiments and readings which introduce psychological tools that can be used to increase the sharpness with which you see and relate to the world. Used properly they will enable you to enrich your life and become master of your fate.

Rosicrucian Dream Book
Catalog #: SKU4021

Solutions to over 3000 different dreams.

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