Popular Authors Jon Rappoport


Magic Agent, The (Digital Download Edition)
Ownership of All Life, The
Secret Behind Secret Societies, The (Revised and Updated Edition)
Oklahoma City Bombing

Jon Rappoport

Jon Rappoport has worked as a free-lance investigative reporter for 20 years.

He has written articles on politics, health, media, culture and art for LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, Village Voice, Nexus, CBS Healthwatch, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe.

In 1982, the LA Weekly submitted his name for a Pulitzer prize, for his interview with the president of El Salvador University, where the military had taken over the campus.

Jon has hosted, produced, and written radio programs and segments in Los Angeles and Las Vegas (KPFK, KLAV). He has appeared as a guest on over 200 radio and television programs, including ABC's Nightline, Tony Brown's Journal (PBS), and Hard Copy.


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New Planet, The
Catalog #: SKU2022

People look into puzzling mysteries and try to find an underlying harmony. They think: If we have harmony, then we have peace. If we have harmony, then we have love. If we have harmony, then we have spiritual illumination. If we have harmony, then we have salvation.

Oklahoma City Bombing
Catalog #: SKU1959

This book explains exactly why a truck bomb could not and did not cause major damage to the Federal Building in Oklahoma City at 9:02 AM on April 19th, 1995. Also covered is how the building was really blown up, the media and FBI cover-up, McVeighs too-easy arrest, an eyewitness to the bombing who suddenly became secret, the much lied-about John Doe #2, alleged government foreknowledge of the bombing, NBCs suppression of its own stories, and much more.

Old Mind, New Mind - 2 Audio CD set
Catalog #: SKU2042

This set of CDs was transcribed and edited to make the book, NEW MAGIC ERA. My CD lectures explore the spirit of what magic is really all about: imagination and creating and going beyond provincial ideas about systems and patterns and foolish New Age imagery.

Ownership of All Life, The
Catalog #: SKU1960

Notes on Scandals,Conspiracies and Coverups. Removes the mask from gigantic corporate strategies and reveals their underlying ambitions: not only control of vast material power but the owning of life processes themselves, literally making the planet a commodity. Read this expos

Real History of America, The
Catalog #: SKU1961

For the last twenty years I have been writing articles and books and doing radio and television on the subject of monopolies and true conspiracies. And more importantly solutions to the problems the world increasingly faces when dealing wit a more and more powerful elite, which has already taken control of at least twenty five percent of the world's productive capacity. That is a fact. That is not somebody's paranoid speculation.

Secret Behind Secret Societies (1st Edition)
Catalog #: SKU0149

The way of the secret society is a way of life. At its root, it is not grinning skulls and sputtering candles in dark rooms. It is not that provincial. The secret society reflects one invisible tradition that has existed on Earth for a hundred thousand years. It is the main Way that people have lived on this planet.

Secret Behind Secret Societies, The (Revised and Updated Edition)
Catalog #: SKU1874

The way of the secret society is a way of life. At its root, it is not grinning skulls and sputtering candles in dark rooms. It is not that provincial.

Thunderhead Cantos
Catalog #: SKU2079

I wrote the poems for The Thunderhead Cantos over a long period of time. The bulk of the work was done in six years. Then there was a lot of re-arranging of pieces. Finally, I decided I wanted to present it as a reading, rather than as text, so I recorded it.

Trial of Washington, The
Catalog #: SKU1978

This screenplay brings the vivid imagination of Jon Rappoport into many characters in this manuscript. A work of fiction, or a work of vision, or just magic, it is a play for our times, this era, this magical era.

Catalog #: SKU1972

Our number one paper in the series, written by investigative reporter Jon Rappoport, takes up the submerged scandal involving the universal use of highly toxic pharmaceuticals. Mr. Rappoport pursues a trail that leads to violence among children and the school shootings across America. We want this truth to provoke real change.

WHY DID THEY DO IT? (Digital Download Edition)
Catalog #: SKU1973

Our number one paper in the series, written by investigative reporter Jon Rappoport, takes up the submerged scandal involving the universal use of highly toxic pharmaceuticals. Mr. Rappoport pursues a trail that leads to violence among children and the school shootings across America. We want this truth to provoke real change.

World Energy and Magic- Audio CD
Catalog #: SKU2047

This series was transcribed and edited to make the book, NEW MAGIC ERA. My CD lectures explore the spirit of what magic is really all about: imagination and creating and going beyond provincial ideas about systems and patterns and foolish New Age imagery.

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