
Missing Diary of Admiral Richard E. Byrd
International Jew : 4 Volume Set Unabridged
Complete Story of the Galveston Horror, The
Egyptian Masonic History: The Ancient and 96th Degree: The Rite of Memphis
Roman Law : The Twelve Tables



Mythical Monsters
Catalog #: SKU3691

It would have been a bold step indeed for anyone, some thirty years ago, to have thought of treating the public to a collection of stories ordinarily reputed fabulous, and of claiming for them the consideration due to genuine realities, or to have advocated tales, time-honoured as fictions, as actual facts; and those of the nursery as being, in many instances, legends, more or less distorted, descriptive of real beings or events.

Mythical Sand Painting of the Navajo Indians & Ceremonial of Hasjelti Dailjis
Catalog #: SKU3090

During my visit to the Southwest, in the summer of 1885, it was my good fortune to arrive at the Navajo Reservation a few days before the commencement of a Navajo healing ceremonial. Learning of the preparation for this, I decided to remain and observe the ceremony, which was to continue nine days and nights. The occasion drew to the place some 1,200 Navajos. The scene of the assemblage was an extensive plateau near the margin of Keam's Canyon, Arizona.

Mythologies of Ancient Mexico and Peru
Catalog #: SKU3793

It is difficult to understand the neglect into which the study of the Mexican and Peruvian mythologies has fallen. A zealous host of interpreters are engaged in the elucidation of the mythologies of Egypt and Assyria, but, if a few enthusiasts in the United States of America be excepted, the mythologies of the ancient West have no following whatsoever.

Mythology of the Aryan Nations (2 Volume Set)
Catalog #: SKU3087

Few people realize how much the Aryan nations and peoples influenced religions, now called mythology. 2 extensive volumes delve into this subject. Facsimile reprint of the 1870 edition

Myths and Legends Of Ancient Greece And Rome
Catalog #: SKU1730

Greece and Rome- The two civilizations that have been the insight, source, and creation of most modern government theory and the West's major religions. Explore the great mysteries of these founding fathers of modern civilization.

Myths and Legends of China
Catalog #: SKU1061

In spite of much research and conjecture, the origin of the Chinese people remains undetermined. We do not know who they were nor whence they came. Such evidence as there is points to their immigration from elsewhere; the Chinese themselves have a tradition of a Western origin. The first picture we have of their actual history shows us, not a people behaving as if long settled in a land which was their home and that of their forefathers, but an alien race fighting with wild beasts, clearing dense forests, and driving back the aboriginal inhabitants.

Myths Of Babylonia And Assyria
Catalog #: SKU1356

This volume deals with the myths and legends of Babylonia and Assyria, and as these reflect the civilization in which they developed, a historical narrative has been provided, beginning with the early Sumerian Age and concluding with the periods of the Persian and Grecian Empires. Over thirty centuries of human progress are thus passed under review.

Myths of Crete & Pre-Hellenic Europe
Catalog #: SKU1769

The Mysteries of Crete still tease the historian and researcher. Atlantis, Minoean, and other ancient dynasties are rumored to have roots to Crete. With its Grecian and Egyptian connections, it was a major landmark island between these two great civilizations.

Myths of Mexico and Peru
Catalog #: SKU1249

IN recent years a reawakening has taken place in the study of American arch

Myths of Northern Lands
Catalog #: SKU1824

The Nordic-Germanic --- Aryan mythologies are based around arctic climates. This author presents the viable probability that the Aryan races originated in the Arctic areas of the planet, instead of the torrid climate of the Caucasius Mountains in Iran. This echoes the research of the famous Indian political warrior, Lokamanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak, who came to the same conclusion based on the Vedas and astronomical facts.

Myths of the New World
Catalog #: SKU3290

I HAVE written this work more for the thoughtful general reader than the antiquary. It is a study of an obscure portion of the intellectual history of our species as exemplified in one of its varieties.

Myths of the North American Indians
Catalog #: SKU3918

The North American Indian has so long been an object of the deepest interest that the neglect of his picturesque and original mythologies and the tales to which they have given rise is difficult of comprehension.

Nagualism; A Study in Native American Folk-lore and History
Catalog #: SKU3291

The words, a nagual, nagualism, a nagualist, have been current in English prose for more than seventy years; they are found during that time in a variety of books published in England and the United States, yet are not to be discovered in any dictionary of the English language; nor has Nagualism a place in any of the numerous encyclop

Nameless War
Catalog #: SKU0231

THOUGH a state of war was declared to exist between Britain and Germany in September of 1939, it very soon became apparent that no war was being conducted by Germany against this country. This was no surprise to those who knew the facts of the case.

Native Religions of Mexico and Peru
Catalog #: SKU3317

Our age is not, as is sometimes said, an age of positive science and of industrial discoveries alone, but also, and in a very high degree, an age of criticism and of history. It is to history, indeed, more than to anything else, that it looks for the lights which are to guide it in resolving the grave difficulties presented by the problems of the hour, in politics, in organization, and in social and religious life.
