Health-Healing Health Studies Estrogen Alternative : Natural Hormone Therapy with Botanical Progesterone

Estrogen Alternative : Natural Hormone Therapy with Botanical Progesterone

Estrogen Alternative : Natural Hormone Therapy with Botanical Progesterone
Catalog # SKU0593
Publisher Distributors
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Raquel Martin & Judi Gerstung


The Estrogen Alternative
Natural Hormone Therapy with Botanical Progesterone

by Raquel Martin with Judi Gerstung, D.C.

Includes the latest research on how to combat osteoporosis, endometriosis, heart disease, PMS, fibroids, and breast, ovarian, and uterine cancer.

  • A must-read for any woman taking synthetic hormones for infertility or birth control, PMS, or menopause.

  • Explains the most recent research on diet, endometriosis, osteoporosis, and breast, ovarian, and uterine cancer.

  • Previous editions have sold more than 50,000 copies.

More and more women are seeking nondrug alternatives to synthetic hormones and their dangerous side effects.

In this revised and expanded third edition, Raquel Martin offers the most up-to-date information on how botanical progesterone therapy can provide safe, natural relief for many of the problems women face from hormone deficiency, including PMS, menstrual irregularity, miscarriages, uterine fibroids, infertility, depression, and fibromyalgia. Botanical progesterone supplementation is also extremely effective in relieving hot flashes, insomnia, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and other symptoms of menopause.

The authors sift through the often confusing spate of studies on hormone replacement therapy and guide readers to natural alternatives. The book also offers advice on how to work with a sympathetic physician and provides mail-order sources for botanical progesterone.

About the Author Raquel Martin's other works include Today's Health Alternative and Preventing and Reversing Arthritis Naturally. Judi Gerstung, D.C., is a chiropractor and radiologist with a special interest in the detection and prevention of osteoporosis.

"If you are a woman and do not read this book, you are very possibly denying yourself the most important information of your physical life. . . . A powerfully persuasive, well-written, and extensively documented case. . . . A must-read if you value your health." So Young

"Any woman who is considering synthetic hormone therapy or who wishes to get off of it owes herself the reading of this densely informative book. The simplicity and safety of the solution is almost shocking. One might ask why every suffering woman is not using botanical progesterone." World Health News

"Raquel Martin and Judi Gerstung have performed a tremendous service to women, who need a book like The Estrogen Alternative to understand what is happening to their bodies during pre-, peri-, and postmenopause. It is a terrific resource for practitioners to recommend to their patients. I believe all women can greatly benefit from reading it." John Hart, M.D. "Books like The Estrogen Alternative are important: people have to become so knowledgeable that they don't let the health establishment get away with its systematic deceptions." Raymond F. Peat, Ph.D.

"I was thrilled to read The Estrogen Alternative. . . . The writing style incorporates the research into a narrative that is easy for the layperson to read. The book is thorough, well-referenced, and prepares the reader to make educated choices about her homonal health." Marcia Smith, N.D., Ph.D.

"This is an enlightening, easy-to-read book of vital interest to every woman. It assesses information not generally forthcoming from medical doctors and offers information that can help women decide how to manage the seriously important question of whether or not to take synthetic hormones. This book is a valuable tool if you are interested in maintaining your health naturally." Catholic Women's NETWORK, March/April/May 2001

"It reads easily, explains clearly why natural progesterone should replace synthetic hormones, and has that added level of personal experience." Irene Alleger, Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients, October 2002 "The Estrogen Alternative is a book that women should be reading now to get ready for the changes in their lives." Barbara Ardinger, SageWoman, Autumn 2002

"Produced in consultation with alternative health practitioners, this very important reference is a one-of-a-kind guide to very good health." The Book Reader, Fall/Winter 2002-2003

"This book, in its third edition, is hailed as a must-read for women." Frontier Perspectives, Fall 2002

"A very informative book, helping to give women back the power to make their own decisions without having to depend on a medical doctor." Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf, December 2002

Table of Contents

Foreword to the Third Edition
Foreword to the Second Edition
Foreword to the First Edition
Part I: Natural Hormone Replacement from God's Garden
1. Sick and Tired of Being Tired and Sick
2. Progesterone Deficiency, Yes; Estrogen, Maybe
Part II: Opening Up a New World of Hope and Healing
3. The Seasons of a Woman's Life br> 4. Can We Circumvent Osteoporosis?
5. The Risk of Cancer
Part III: Making Assertive Lifestyle Changes
6. Hormonal Support from Our Foods
7. Planning a Personal Approach
Appendix A. Ways and Means of Hormone Application
Appendix B. Synthetic Compounds: A Sampling by Chemical or Brand Name
Appendix C. Naturals Formulas for Infants
Appendix D. Resources for Cancer Patients
Appendix E. Resources for Preventive Medicine
Appendix F. Information for Your Physician
Appendix G. Sources of Natural Progesterone

I was introduced to Natural Progesterone (NP) through a friend who researched data and wrote a book entitled The Estrogen Alternative: Natural Hormone Therapy with Botanical Progesterone. The author, Raquel Martin, introduced me to NP in l993. In l994 after being on NP for about three months, my fibrocystic breast lumps disappeared! I had used the NP directly on the breasts as the book indicated. A few months later I went for my yearly physical and the uterine fibroids that I had had, were also gone!!! As I went through menopause, the NP helped my hot flashes and waking up at night.

* Last year (1999) I had a bone density done at the request of my doctor. The results that came back were excellent. My doctor said that she would want me to go on estrogen unless the bone density was good. Her remark to me was, "you are so healthy I don't know what to say."

* A teacher at school was told by her physician that her only alternative to all her female problems was to go ahead and have a hysterectomy. I spoke to her about progesterone cream (NP) and referred her to The Estrogen Alternative (TEA) by Raquel Martin. After reading the book and then using NP, this teacher has had regular periods--now going on five years.

* There was one other teacher who was not only suffering from arthritis, but was also told she needed a hysterectomy. She asked me about NP since she knew that I was on it. I referred to the book and after she began to follow the guidelines on how and when to apply progesterone cream, she started feeling so much better. She recalled that with her first pregnancy, she was told that she would probably abort the baby because her progesterone levels were so low. Since putting to use what she has learned, she also has a lot more energy.

* Another teacher with migraines at the time of her period asked about NP. She bought the book and began using the cream and her migraines are gone. * My sister is trying NP after being on HRT for years. She has the 3rd Edition of TEA and has been on NP for about three months, and already her hot flashes are not as frequent or severe. She is also sleeping better at night. Remember this is after only being on NP for three months.

* My daughter telephoned to tell me that she had horrible cramps. She was in tears as she was hurting so badly. I told her to rub some NP on the area that was hurting and she called me back within l0 minutes to say that the severe pain was gone, and she only felt some slight cramping. If it weren't for the well documented book, The Estrogen Alternative which is backed up by scientific research, myself and the ladies I mentioned, would not know that there is an alternative to HRT. We all need to spread the word to other women everywhere!! Thank you Raquel for a wonderful and informative book!!!
Linda Carr

Dear Ms. Martin:
During a visit to a local book store to find books on the subject of fibroids, I providentially stumbled on your book The Estrogen Alternative: Natural Hormone Therapy with Botanical Progesterone. My doctor insisted that fibroids were not causing my pelvic pain, and so I was looking for answers in books about women's health problems after menopause. Somehow I saw your book among the sea of others and opened it to a page in which you described the side effects of taking estrogen which include uterine pain. That made me buy your book and devour its contents in the following week. I look upon your book as perhaps the most valuable health book I have ever read--or ever will read. I felt several strong emotions as I read about the misinformation and deception surrounding the entire estrogen issue: shock, anger, and discouragement. When I returned to my doctor to share with him my desire to stop estrogen and take only progesterone (or perhaps progesterone and estriol), he wanted to know what I had been reading and immediately assumed that I had read Dr. Lee's book. His comments concerning Dr. Lee were very critical and cynical, and he told me that to stop taking estrogen would be a very serious mistake. He said I need it both for my heart and for the health of my bones. He would not consider prescribing just estriol because he said he had no experience with it. He gave me a free sample of a product called Cenestrin, which I believe is a conjugated synthetic estrogen like many of the others.

I am very frustrated because I am part of an HMO insurance program which limits my choice of doctors. I contacted the International Women's Pharmacy for a list of doctors in my city, but none of them listed are part of my HMO. I am also extremely frustrated with the close-mindedness of my doctor. He would not read any of the articles that I received from the International Women's Pharmacy, and he did a very good job of making me feel as if I shouldn't be reading these articles either. He alleged that they have their "own agenda" and therefore can not be trusted. I suppose that my only recourse for now is to use the progesterone cream and to hope that someday I can find a doctor who will consider writing a prescription for estriol.

I want to thank you on behalf of all women going through menopause for the tremendous amount of work you did in writing such a well-documented and very clear explanation of the entire issue of menopause and the taking of estrogen. Since I read it, I have convinced my mother (who was taking Evista) to buy your book. I also convinced my sister-in-law (who is taking Prempro) and four friends who are going through menopause to get your book. I hope you will continue to enlighten women by way of your research and your writing on this critical issue.... Sincerely, Kathleen Herrema

Softbound, 6 x 9, 274 pages

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