I was complaining once to a friend that though "Erewhon"
had met with such a warm reception, my subsequent books had
been all of them practically still-born. He said, "You forget one
charm that 'Erewhon' had, but which none of your other books
can have." I asked what? and was answered, "The sound of a new voice, and of an unknown voice."
The first edition of "Erewhon" sold in about three weeks; I
had not taken moulds, and as the demand was strong, it was set
up again immediately. I made a few unimportant alterations and
additions, and added a Preface, of which I cannot say that I am
particularly proud, but an inexperienced writer with a head
somewhat turned by unexpected success is not to be trusted
with a preface. I made a few further very trifling alterations
before moulds were taken, but since the summer of 1872, as new
editions were from time to time wanted, they have been printed
from stereos then made.
If the reader will excuse me, I will say nothing of my antecedents,
nor of the circumstances which led me to leave my native
country; the narrative would be tedious to him and painful
to myself. Suffice it, that when I left home it was with the intention
of going to some new colony, and either finding, or even
perhaps purchasing, waste crown land suitable for cattle or
sheep farming, by which means I thought that I could better my
fortunes more rapidly than in England.
It will be seen that I did not succeed in my design, and that
however much I may have met with that was new and strange, I
have been unable to reap any pecuniary advantage.
It is true, I imagine myself to have made a discovery which,
if I can be the first to profit by it, will bring me a recompense
beyond all money computation, and secure me a position such
as has not been attained by more than some fifteen or sixteen
persons, since the creation of the universe. But to this end I must
possess myself of a considerable sum of money: neither do I
know how to get it, except by interesting the public in my story,
and inducing the charitable to come forward and assist me.
this hope I now publish my adventures; but I do so with great
reluctance, for I fear that my story will be doubted unless I tell
the whole of it; and yet I dare not do so, lest others with more
means than mine should get the start of me. I prefer the risk of
being doubted to that of being anticipated, and have therefore
concealed my destination on leaving England, as also the point
from which I began my more serious and difficult journey.
Chapter 1: Waste lands
Chapter 2: In the woolshed
Chapter 3: Up the river
Chapter 4: The saddle
Chapter 5: The river and the range
Chapter 6: Into Erewhon
Chapter 7: First impressions
Chapter 8: In prison
Chapter 9: To the metropolis
Chapter 10: Current opinions
Chapter 11: Some Erewhonian trials
Chapter 12: Malcontents
Chapter 13: The views of the Erewhonians concerning death
Chapter 14: Mahaina
Chapter 15: The Musical Banks
Chapter 16: Arowhena
Chapter 17: Ydgrun and the Ydgrunites
Chapter 18: Birth formulae
Chapter 19: The world of the unborn
Chapter 20: What they mean by it
Chapter 21: The Colleges of Unreason
Chapter 22: The Colleges of Unreason (continued)
Chapter 23: The Book of the Machines
Chapter 24: The Book of the Machines (continued)
Chapter 25: The Book of the Machines (concluded)
Chapter 26: The views of an Erewhonian prophet concerning the rights of animals
Chapter 27: The views of an Erewhonian prophet concerning the rights of vegetables
Chapter 28: Escape
Chapter 29: Conclusion
Softcover, 5¼" x 8¼", 210+ pages