Coming Battle, The

Coming Battle, The
Catalog # SKU0751
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name M. W. Walbert


The Coming Battle

by M.W. Walbert

First published in 1899, a history of the National Bank System of currency, including an account of the first U.S. Bank. This book documents from Congressional records, newspaper reports and writings by the founding fathers and others a chronology of events long forgotten that shaped our fledgling nation from 1776 to 1899. Read about the manipulation of our money and its supply, the intentional creation of recessions, depressions and panics. The manipulation of the stock markets and demonetization of silver.

Now, read for the first time in almost a century, the book that documents how and why our national debt was deliberately created by our elected representatives and the banking money power. The Coming Battle, originally published by M.W. Walbert in 1899, is the chronological history of the usurping of every American's sovereign rights by the unseen money powers and their agents.

  • how recessions, depressions, and panics are created at will and how the stock markets are manipulated for power and gain.

  • how the manufacturers, with the backing of the money power, import cheap foreign labor, resulting in countless labor riots.

  • how the money power took control of the influential colleges and universities in the United States.

  • how the money power created starvation and suffering in a nation of plenty and how small family farms are set up for foreclosures.

  • how silver was demonetized by the money power, resulting in a five -year depression, that devastated the people and the western regions of the United States.

  • about the Democratic platform of 1840 - page 200.

  • how the banking money power fleeced the treasury of our gold and silver and replaced it with their worthless paper money.

  • how legislation was signed and passed into law pledging every American citizen as collateral for the repayment of all government debts in gold and silver.

Told in breathtaking detail with proof-positive evidence taken from Congressional records, newspaper reports, writings of the day, and statements by our Founding Fathers. You will not likely read about this in any other history book.


Page 61-63

A critical examination of the Resumption Act will disclose the sinister purpose of the organized national banking money power to carry into execution, to the letter, the instructions couched in the Hazard circular. One of the strange features of this act which assumes to restore specie payments, is found in the express language of this statute. While Congress, by its solemn legislative decree, provided for the redemption of United States non-interest legal tender notes in gold, it did not require the national banks to redeem their circulating notes in anywise whatever.

On the contrary, the so-called Resumption Act provided for the substitution of national bank notes for the non-interest-bearing legal tenders issued by the government, although the national banking law made the United States notes a fund to redeem national bank notes.

Again: it was a contraction of non-interest-bearing legal tender notes, and expansion by the additional issue of national bank notes, which were mere promissory notes of the banks, the latter to be loaned by the bankers at a high rate of interest to the business men of the country. These circulating bank notes cost the bankers one cent on the dollar, and the Government was the redeemer of this currency. It was gold redemption of the greenbacks by the nation, an inflation of paper money by the banks at a, cost to them of one cent on the dollar.

It was a shrewd scheme to discredit the legal tender currency of the country, that the national banking money power might inherit that rich estate of issuing paper money.

Next, it repealed that part of the original National Hank Act which provided for the clue distribution of the currency throughout the states and territories, West, as well as East, South, as well as North. And it speedily resulted in the absolute control of the volume of money by the opulent bankers of the Hast, for the great capitalists of New York City, Boston, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and other large eastern cities held ninety per cent. of the United States bonds, without which there could be no national bank circulation. The domicile of the bond holder determined the location of the national bank, and the location of the national bank fixed the point at which the currency of the country could only be obtained, and therefore, the productive energies of the West and South were at the mercy of the national banks. The two places fixed by this act for the redemption of legal tender notes were in New York City - the arena, of gold gamblers, stock speculators, railroad wreckers - and San Francisco. No sum less than fifty dollars in United States notes would be redeemed.

The reason of this limitation is very apparent. The banks of New York City are the reserve agents for the many thousand banks scattered over the country, and, therefore, hold hundreds of millions of dollars in deposits.

By hoarding the legal tender notes received in the ordinary course of business, the banks of New York City were enabled to accumulate many millions of United States notes, and present them for redemption at the sub-treasury; but the plain citizen who could not command fifty dollars of these notes was barred from the benefits of the Resumption Act.

The United States presented the key of the National Treasury to the national banks, with an implied invitation to help themselves to every thing in sight. It was a Government of national banks, for the national banks, and by the national banks.

Provision was made for the issue of bonds to obtain gold to redeem these legal tenders, and this was a part of the scheme to perpetuate the national debt, and as Jefferson said: "To swindle futurity on a large scale."

At the time of the passage of the laws upon which comment is made, General Grant was President of the United States.

The career of President Grant is one of the most unique and instructive in history. Of comparatively humble, but respectable origin, he did not, prior to the civil war, give any indications of winning that world-wide fame which has become the heritage of the American people.

That fratricidal strife was the tide that carried General Grant from obscurity to the highest pinnacle of renown. It was in the character of soldier that he gained an illustrious name.

In his character as a man, he gave abundant proof of many admirable traits, among which were magnanimity toward the vanquished, unimpeachable personal integrity, and lasting tenacity in his friendships, in which latter attribute he bore a striking resemblance to General Jackson.

Yet this distinguished man of iron nerve became as plastic as wax in the hands of those to whom he attached himself, and his confidence in his trusted advisers was shockingly abused for the furtherance of many selfish and dishonest schemes. It is this latter fact that gave birth to those shameless abuses and scandals which have sullied the pages of political history.

Many eminent public men are of the opinion that his administration of civil affairs did not tend to the enhancement of his fame. A summary of the war legislation, in so far as it relates to the finances of the Government, exhibits these remarkable facts as to the existence of a remorseless money power:

First, Congress at the demand of the bullion brokers and gold gamblers of New York City and Boston, purposely depreciated the currency issued by the government by striking out its legal tender qualities, by refusing to receive its own money in payment of its taxes. It was high priced gold for the bond holder, and depreciated greenbacks for the patriotic soldier who offered up his life for his country.

Second, the passage of the national banking law, by which the government delegated its highest sovereign power - that of issuing money - to private corporations for private gain, resulting in a privileged class of capitalists, whose interests were wholly antagonistic to the welfare of the United States, thereby making a permanent creditor and debtor class, one the master, the other the servant.

Third, an alliance, offensive and defensive, of the national banking money power and the manufacturers, whose combined interests have dominated the legislation of Congress, by which the banks have practically secured a monopoly of the medium of exchange, and by which the manufacturers have secured a high protective tariff for their immediate benefit, and at the same time flooded their mills and factories with cheap foreign labor.

Fourth, the passage of laws, the effect of which was to enormously increase the untaxed wealth of a privileged class, who extort heavy tribute from the productive energy of the American people.

Fifth, The creation of a money power, foretold by Andrew Jackson, whose unlimited greed has appropriated to its own use the greatest portion of the wealth of the United States.

Sixth, A matured plan to perpetuate the public debt of the United States for the purpose of holding the people in subjection to the money power.

Seventh, An enormously extravagant administration of the Federal Government, as a part of the plan to fix a permanent debt on the nation.

First published 1899

Softbound, 5.25x8.25, 368 pages

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