Mysteries Alien - UFO Breaking the Godspell : The Politics of Our Evolution

Breaking the Godspell : The Politics of Our Evolution

Breaking the Godspell : The Politics of Our Evolution
Catalog # SKU0796
Publisher Distributors
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Neil Freer


Breaking the Godspell
The Politics of Our Evolution
By Neil Freer

Breaking the Godspell
by Neil Freer

Introduction by Zecharia Sitchin. Freer explores the archaeological, astronomical and genetic evidence for our being a half-alien, genetically engineered species. He presents the mind-boggling ramifications of this new paradigm which correct and resolve the Creationist-Evolutionary conflict, afford a generic definition of human nature, and the potential to rethink the planet. We are about to step out of racial adolescence into stellar society.

Timothy Leary wrote "Breaking the Godspell is a stimulating, startling, engrossing, thought-provoking work. The author, Neil Freer is a major philosophic voice. He weaves together an amazing mosaic of archaeology, myth, history, comparative religion, mixed in with innovative perspectives from genetics, information theory, psychology, and neurology. This book is an encyclopedia of innovative ideas and engaging speculation. It will alter your consciousness. It could change your life."

Softbound, 151 pages

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