Historical Reprints Esoteric - Spiritual Virgin of the World, The

Virgin of the World, The

Virgin of the World, The
Catalog # SKU1790
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus


Virgin of the World

Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus

Translated by
Dr. Anna Kingsford
Edward Maitland

THE Sacred Books of Hermes, says Mrs. Child in her admirable compendium, containing the laws, science, and theology of Egypt, were declared by the priests to have been composed during the reign of the Gods, preceding that of their first king, Menes. Allusions on very ancient monuments prove their great antiquity.

There were four of them, and the sub-divisions of the whole make forty-two volumes.

These numbers correspond exactly to those of the Vedas, which the Puranas say were carried into Egypt by the Yadavas at the first emigration to that country from Hindostan.

The subjects treated of in them were likewise similar; but how far the Books of Hermes were copied from the Vedas remains doubtful.


THE mystic title of the celebrated Hermetic fragment with which this volume commences, "Kore Kosmou" that is, the "Kosmic Virgin," is in itself a revelation of the wonderful identity subsisting between the ancient wisdom-religion of the old world, and the creed of catholic Christendom. Kore is the name by which, in the Eleusinian Mysteries, Persephone the Daughter, or Maiden, was saluted; and it is also--perhaps only by coincidence--the Greek word for the pupil or apple of the eye.

When, however, we find Isis, the Moon-goddess and Initiatrix, in her discourse with Horos, mystically identifying the eye with the soul, and comparing the tunics of the physical organ of vision with the envelopes of the soul; when, moreover, we reflect that precisely as the eye, by means of its pupil, is the enlightener and percipient of the body, so is the soul the illuminating and seeing principle of man, we can hardly regard this analogy of names as wholly unintentional and uninstructive. For Kore, or Persephone, the Maiden, is the personified soul, whose "apostasy," or "descent," from the heavenly sphere into earthly generation, is the theme of the following Hermetic parable.

The Greek mysteries dealt only with two subjects, the first being the drama of the "rape" and restoration of Persephone the second, that of the incarnation, martyrdom, and resuscitation of Dionysos-Zagreus. By Persephone was intended the Soul; and by Dionysos, the Spirit. Hermetic doctrine taught a fourfold nature both of the Kosmos and of Man; and of this fourfold nature two elements were deemed immortal and permanent, and two mortal and transient. The former were the spirit and the soul; the latter, the lower mind--or sense-body--and the physical organism.

The spirit and soul, respectively male and female, remained throughout all the changes of metempsychosis the same, indissoluble and incorrupt, but the body and lower intellect were new in each rebirth, and therefore changeful and dissoluble. The spirit, or Dionysos, was regarded as of a specially divine genesis, being the Son of Zeus by the immaculate Maiden--Kore-Persephoneia, herself the daughter of Demeter, or the parent and super-mundane Intelligence, addressed in the Mysteries as the "Mother."



The Hermetic Books

The Hermetic System

An Introduction To The Virgin of the World

The Virgin of the World

A Treatise on Initiations or Asclepios

The Definitions of Asclepios


Fragments of the Book of Hermes To His Son Tatios
Fragments of the Writings of Hermes to Ammon
Various Hermetic Fragments

Softcover, 8¼" x 5¼", 175+ pages

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