FROM time immemorial man has looked for a savior; and, when not looking for a savior, he is looking for a cure. He believes in paternalism. He is looking to get something for nothing, not knowing that the highest price we ever pay for anything is to have it given to us. Instead of accepting salvation, it is better to deserve it. Instead of buying, begging, or stealing, a cure, it is better to stop building disease. Disease is of man's own building, and one worse thing than the stupidity of buying a cure is to remain so ignorant as to believe in cures.
Excerpt: HiddenMysteries
The false theories of salvation and cures have built man into a mental mendicant, when he should be the arbiter of his own salvation, and certainly his own doctor, instead of being a slave to a profession that has neither worked out its own salvation from disease nor discovered a single cure in all the age-long period of man's existence on earth.
We hear of diet cures, dietitians, balanced rations, meat diets, vegetable diets, and other diets--chemically prepared foods of all kinds. The reading public is bewildered with hundreds of health magazines and thousands of health ideas. There are thousands writing on health who would not recognize it if they should meet it on the street. Fanaticism, bigotry, stupidity, and commercialism are the principal elements in the dietetic complex that is now belaboring the public.
Cures are what the people want, and cures are what doctors and cultists affect to make; but at most only relief is given.
The periodicity which characterizes all functional derangements of the body lends color to the claims of cure-mongers that their remedy has cured their patients, when the truth is that the so-called disease "ran its course." The truth is that the so-called disease was a toxemic crisis, and when the toxin was eliminated below the toleration point, the sickness passed--automatically health returned. But the disease was not cured; for the cause (enervating habits) is continued, toxin still accumulates, and in due course of time another crisis appears. Unless the cause of Toxemia is discovered and removed, crises will recur until functional derangements will give way to organic disease.
The entire profession is engaged in doctoring crises of Toxemia--curing and curing until overtaken with chronic disease of whatever organ was the seat of the toxin crises.
Nature returns to normal when enervating habits are given up. There are no cures in the sense generally understood. If one has a tobacco heart, what is the remedy? Stop the use of tobacco, of course. If the heart is worn out from shock, as we see it among gamblers, or among men who are plunging in the stock market, what will cure? Drugs? No! Removing the cause.
Every so-called disease is built within the mind and body by enervating habits. The food and dietetic insanity that constitutes the headliner on the medical stage just now is causing the people to demand a diet that will cure them of their peculiar maladies. The idea prevails that some peculiar diet will cure rheumatism or any other disease. Diet or food will not cure any disease.
A fast, rest in bed, and the giving-up of enervating habits, mental and physical, will allow nature to eliminate the accumulated toxin; then, if enervating habits are given up, and rational living habits adopted, health will come back to stay, if the one CURED will "stay put." This applies to any so-called disease. Yes, it fits your disease--you who write to find out if the Tilden system of cure applies to your case. Yes; cannot you realize that law and order pervades the universe? And it is the same from nebula to stone, from stone to plant, from plant to animal, from animal to man, from man to mind, and from mind to super-mind--God. To use a blanket expression: Law and order pervades the universe, the same yesterday, today and forever, and is the same from star-dust to mind--from electron to mind. Toxemia explains how the universal law operates in health and disease. One disease is the same as another; one man the same as another; one flower the same as another; the carbon in bread, sugar, coal, and the diamond is the same. Yes, one disease can be cured the same as another, unless the organ acted on by toxemic crises is destroyed.
For example: If wrong eating is persisted in, the acid fermentation first irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach; the irritation becomes inflammation, then ulceration, then thickening and hardening, which ends in cancer at last. The medical world is struggling to find the cause of cancer. It is the distal end of an inflammatory process whose proximal beginning may be any irritation. The end is degeneration from a lack of oxygen and nutriment, and, in degenerating, the septic material enters the circulation, setting up chronic septic poisoning called cancer cachexia.
Disease is a common expression of universal enervation. An understanding of physiology and pathology necessitates a firm grip on evolution as expressed in biology; or reasoning will go astray occasionally.
Modern cures and immunization are vanity and vexation; they are founded on the foolish principle of reasoning from effect, is disease, to cause. The organ which is suffering from many crises of Toxemia is discovered--it may be ulcer of the stomach, then the ulcer is cut out; it may be gallstone, then the stone is cut out; it may be fibroid tumor of the womb, then the tumor or womb is cut out. The same may be said of other effects--the medical armament is turned loose on a lot of effects. This is accepted by the public mind as efficient treatment of disease, when in fact it is a stupid removing of effects. And that is not the worst of such blundering. The operators have not the slightest idea of the cause of the effects they so skillfully remove.
In other derangements the same lack of knowledge of cause prevails. In the treatment of deficiency diseases, the lacking element is supplied from the laboratory; but nothing is done in the line of restoring the organ to normality. Why? Because medical science has not discovered why organs fail to function properly; and until this discovery is made, scientific blundering will continue.
265+pages - 8 x 5 inches SoftCover