Ancient Mysteries
Synagogue Histories
A topic seldom researched among truthseekers, yet a mystery of an ancient religion that still affects every one on the planet, in one way or another.
- The Synogogue in Kai-Fung-Koo
- Greek Synogogue Inscription
- The Ancient Synogogue Service
- Art in the Synogogue
- A Cairo Synogogue
- The Synogogue at Mantua
- A Synogogue in the 12th Century
- The Minim in the Synogogue
- Worship in the Last Decade of the Temple
- Three Books Found at the Temple
- Solomon's Temple
- The Tabernacle
- Tablet of Warning From Herod's Temple
- Remains of the Temple in Jerusalem
- Worship of the Tabernacle compared with Worship at Second
- Was the Tabernacle Oriental?
- Construction of the Tabernacle
- The Cheribim of the Tabernacle
416 pages - 8½ x 11 softcover