Historical Reprints
Self Improvement/Skills
To say that the book you now hold in your hands is a strange, intriguing and highly controversial one, is putting things very mildly indeed. And much the same can be said about its author, too: Webster Edgerly; a name with which very few will today be familiar. Yet, Edgerly has a place in history, and certainly in infamy, that deserves to be told - if only to highlight the bizarre and, at times, dark and disturbing beliefs and motivations of the man.
This book is a reprint of TGS Alternative/Survival Health books. WE ARE NOT reformers; we are revolutionists. Medical reform--the world has had quite enough of that. Reforming the drug system by substituting one set of drugs for another is a ridiculous farce. It may, to be sure, substitute a lesser for a greater evil, in many cases, but is like reforming big lies with little falsehoods. It is like reforming swearing with obscene language; or like reforming robbing with cheating. Reforming allopathy with homeopathy and both with physio-medicalism, and all these with eclecticism, is like promoting temperance by substituting cider and lager for rum, brandy, gin, wine, or flesh eating by substituting milk, butter, cheese, for animal food.
Once scoffed at by the medical profession, the old ways and means of health diagnosis are beginning to be proven by science, such as iridology. Palmistry may also be one of those resurrected methods.
Its Principles and Practical Formulas- A study and method into the mind, included its power to heal the body.
Though demonized in today's world, nitro-explosives help build industrial America. This book takes you through the methods and science behind this miracle discovery. Properties, Manufacture, and Analysis of Nitrated Substances
This little booklet is a restored work from an original printing. It is an overview of what you must do and have already done to survive nuclear fallout.
Records show that less than one-thirtieth part of the time of man in general is consumed in productive pursuits, yet some people toil diligently three-fifths of their time and receive only a scanty living. To assist in making clear the road to private and national prosperity is therefore the motive which actuates me in the publication of this book.
This is a rather good wholesome look at sexuality for the Christian and Secular views.
This Volume has nearly Two Hundred valuable Recipes for Stationers, Printers, Bookbinders, etc. These Recipes are thoroughly practical, and such as come up in every day's work. They have been gathered from many sources, and are endorsed by the best workmen of the United States and Europe.
This little work has been prepared mainly for those who have no practical acquaintance with the cultivation of the Peanut. Its directions, therefore, are intended for the beginner, and are such as will enable any intelligent person who has followed farming, to raise good crops of Peanuts, although he may have never before seen the growing plant.
The high prices which coal and wood have commanded for several years back have directed attention to peat fuel; and, such is the adventurous character of American enterprise, it cannot be doubted that we shall rapidly develop and improve the machinery for producing it.
In 1683 the Plain Sects began to arrive in William Penn's Colony seeking a land of peace and plenty. They were a mixed people; Moravians from Bohemia and Moravia, Mennonites from Switzerland and Holland, the Amish, the Dunkards, the Schwenkfelds, and the French Huguenots. After the lean years of clearing the land and developing their farms they established the peace and plenty they sought. These German-speaking people were originally called the Pennsylvania Deutsch but time and custom have caused them to be known to us as the Pennsylvania Dutch.
For entrepenuers and inventors, this manual is a great resource to avoid mistakes already made in the past, or who knows? You may be the one to discover they way around the problem and make perpetual motion a reality for the world.
An odd little book we are happy to bring back, that places the 'reasons' for Algebra into common sense. Written in 1909 for the young student, it makes an interesting excursion back in time. Published by TGS Publishing. Always remember that the use of algebra is to free people from bondage.
Time is the only sure test for a truth. If our actions, based on our convictions, bring results that satisfy us and our neighbors, then we may know that our convictions were right.
After ten years of experience and observation, the author would re-affirm his belief in the efficacy and the desirability of sane fasting. He knows of hundreds of cases where a partial or complete fast, of one to thirty days, cleansed and renewed the body and mind to a most gratifying extent.
He would urge, however, the need of caution--