Mysteries Secret Societies Secret Societies and Subversive Movements

Secret Societies and Subversive Movements

Secret Societies and Subversive Movements
Catalog # SKU0038
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.30 lbs
Author Name Nesta Webster
ISBN 10: 1610334485
ISBN 13: 9781610334488


Secret Societies
Subversive Movements

By Nesta H. Webster

The author describes the organized subversive movements against civilization and Christianity as directed by the Secret Societies, and traces their origins to the beginnings of the Christian era.

World-Wide Appreciation

Click for Full View of Front Cover H.G. Wells - The Common Sense of War and Peace
"In The Fate of Homo Sapiens I drew attention to the influence of Mrs. Nesta Webster's SECRET SOCIETIES AND SUBVERSIVE MOVEMENTS. It is a book that all serious people interested in the Bridtish situation ought to read and think about, and very few of them do& I believe her influence has spread far beyond the circle of her actual readers."

Daily Express
"Mrs. Webster has already made herself a secure position as an historian."

Irish Times
"The mass of learning embodied in Mrs. Webster's pages makes her book instructive."

Masonic Record
"This book will give thinking persons much scope for reflection it will bring home to many what the underground subversive movements of to-day have become."

Cape Argus (South Africa)
"This book will certainly create a sensation. It comes at a time when all must recognize that there are organized movements against civilization and Christianity of a most threatening character."

Chicago Tribune
"Mrs. Webster has given to the public a profound and scientific work for the study of the social and political history of Europe."

Church of Ireland Gazette
"Curiously intriguing book."

The Week (Brisbane, Australia)
"Mrs. Webster's books prove her to be a competent historian and indefatigable searcher for the truth."

"Mrs. Webster has written a new book on Secrt Societies which I confess enthralls me." --- Ralph Rumble

John O' London's Weekly
"A best seller."

New York Herald Tribune
"The idea of creating World Revolution can be traced back to a distant past, as Mrs. Webster has clearly shown in her most important books World Revolution and Secret societies and Subversive Movements, the products of much laborious research. Secret societies formed with this object have existed form many centuries, and have, at various times, given proof of their activities."

New York Book Review
"Mrs. Webster's volume is too thoroughly documented to be laughed away."

Straits Times
"The author occupies an established position as an historian of events bearing on past and present revolution, an has upset many statements contained in histories since the French Revolution."

The Scotsman
"She reveasl enough to persuade a good many that there is something in her contention fo the existence of a great 'Occult Power,' and that only a great national movement can save us from destruction."

The Spectator
"There is undoubtedly much neglected truth in what she says."

Daily Mail
"Mrs. Nesta H. Webster& brings forward a great mass of evidence, which will require the most careful consideration, to sho that behind the subversive movements of the present day, as of the past, there is some secret and directing influence& This is a book which ought to be widely read and studied; its conclusions cannot be shaken by off-hand denial."

Birmingham Post
"An uncommonly interesting book."

Western Mail
"This volume will be found of particular use and value, for it deals with social, political, and economic undercurrents of which the average reader, and indeed the average student, knows next to nothing."

English Review
"Her method throughout is rigidly scientific. With infinite care and labour she has collected a huge mass of documentary evidence, and, as she justly claims, 'If I then fail to convince the incredulous that secret forces of revolution exist, it will not be for want of evidence.' She is never dogmatic. Where the evidence is conclusive, the moral is driven home. If there is doubt, in the absence of some connecting link not yet discovered, she presents her case and leaves it to the judgment of her readers&" -- Lord Sydenham of Combe

Western Morning News
"Mrs. Webster's new book Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, is deserving of close study."

431 pp., Softcover

ISBN-10: 1610334485
ISBN-13: 9781610334488

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