TGS Authors Andrew Hennessey Scottish X Files : Alien Intrusion In Scotland

Scottish X Files : Alien Intrusion In Scotland

Scottish X Files : Alien Intrusion In Scotland
Catalog # SKU1922
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 2.00 lbs
Author Name Andrew Hennessey
ISBN 10: 0000000000
ISBN 13: 0000000000000


The Scottish X Files

Alien Intrusion In Scotland

Andrew Hennessey

460 pages of X-Files from the stories coming out of enchanted, but mysterious Scotland. TGS author, Andrew Hennessey, relates 47 stories from the strange, weird and unexplained. Few in America realize that Scotland is a leading area of the world with strange anomolies occurring from ancient times to the present.

From the Introduction

The three estates of Scotland have been interacting with powers and principalities beyond the ken of the average Scotsman for many millennia.

This book will produce evidence for this.

In a seemingly endless tartan tapestry woven of luminous and sometimes ethereal light and dark threads, the loom and the weaver, the weaver and the woven play out their allotted designs to the honour and glory of Scotland's true Laird our One God. The endless dance of the dancers, the Elders under moon and stars or in the sunshine of the Scottish meadows finds its way onto the very streets of our cities in a stealthy parade of shifting shapes and superhuman contests.

The reason being that we have been invaded by dark beings that supply us with dark alternatives and if we are stolen away by evil who then is left for the ancient children to play with if our souls are eaten by darkness.

Thus the battle of Light and darkness wages incessantly to supply us with what we think we want but in some cases obviously never need.

If humanity has a choice, it is a willing and Catholic choice to be with love and to be loved in return. Without that we are withered into fragments.

The events, times, places and realities discussed in this book are in my opinion real, and names, places and certain chronologies have been changed to protect the identities of the people who also lived this.


In Edinburgh and the Lothians, east central Scotland, there is a strange and fantastical blend of the ancient and the science fiction. It's true to say that what can be identified are cultural themes that are so ancient that they Are science fiction. From the times of the alleged gods of Atlantis and the wars of the Fall of Eden mentioned in the Book of Enoch and artefacts apparent in Michael Cremo's 'Forbidden Archaeology ' - it becomes apparent that even across the water in Fife there are 'strange fires' and epochs inferred in the naming of the town Burntisland. Burntisland got its name from the glassy fusion of its rocks that became vitrified by temperatures that were somewhat nuclear. e.g. the ancient city of Mohenjo-Daro. It's like there had been an ancient high energy global war.

We hear how in the Hindu Mahabharata mythology from India how chariots called Vimanas would fly across the sky raining down the power of the sun. Similarly like another vitrified fort in the Dark Isle, Cromarty, near Inverness at a place known traditionally as 'the centre of the Universe', it may be that Scotland has been party to some epic battle at the end of an Age.

Traditional explanations from the National Museum of Antiquities as to how these fortresses became fused glass go along the lines of whole tracts of the Caledonian forests being carried up to the hilltops by armies of tribesmen to be ignited to melt the rock. It then becomes more rational to go with the 'ancient nuclear war' theory than buy into the 'pointless, resource consuming bonfire' theory.

I'm of the opinion today though, knowing what I now know, that although the surface works of some science fiction civilisation of at least 20,000 BC have been erased from the planets surface, there are still pockets of subterranean infrastructure in the hands of non-humanity.

There are supposed to be secret caves full of alchemical and ancient artefacts in the Templar lands east of Aberdeen on the north east coast of Scotland according to a Templar archivist, and in the hills south of Edinburgh at Innerleithen there is a folk tale of a civilisation inside the hills from the 18th century.

Two lovers had gone onto the hills above Innerleithen to play hide and seek. The girl had gone into a small cave to hide and she had discovered a doorway that led her into a wonderful and strange land full of carefree people who drove about in magical horseless coaches and who had cities of domes and spires. She had a very good adventure there but then remembered her lover who was still looking for her.

Her lover, however, had returned to the village without her and as time passed there he was accused of her murder, was tried and was hanged.

The girl though returned to the cave entrance and made her way back home. She did not recognise very much about her village - and when she inquired of her lover she was told that he had been hanged over 50 years ago.

Scotland has for some time been accredited with being one of the world's busiest UFO hotspots with attention in Scotland being focussed initially on Bonnybridge and the Falkirk triangle.

It has been said that much of the sightings there declined in volume after the closure of the local chemical factory that may have been polluting the area. (allegedly with dioxin)

However, more recently, from about 2000AD, it has become apparent that the small town of Gorebridge - an ex coal mining town about 15 miles south of Edinburgh, Scotland's capital city has had more than its fair share of close encounters and abductions.

On checking the local news and gossip - there have been reported and unreported close encounters in the Gorebridge area for decades.

Geographically and historically, Gorebridge is situated adjacent to Rosslyn Castle and Chapel, which lie a few miles to the west.

In Rosslyn glen by the river there is a Bronze Age carving in stone of a reptilian head and, folklore referring to a tunnel and cavern system.

To the east lie the cavern systems of Cousland and a place called 'Goblin Halls' as well as numerous other references to this reality in village names. e.g. Elphinstone and Elvingston.

Gorebridge, then, a typical post-industrial mining community with abandoned mines and workings has a past intimately tied in to Celtic mythological traditions.

From the village of Gifford beside Goblin Halls, to the seriously haunted Crichton Castle on the edge of the Cousland cavern system all the way from the Moorfoot hills to the Pentland hills that frame the city of Edinburgh, the area is riddled with vast limestone works from ancient times made by ancient peoples.

On midsummer's night, two people from Gorebridge were determined to practise some form of Wicca in the Churchyard adjacent to Crichton Castle - daring the wrath of the Blue Lady, allegedly the wraith of a distressed Nun.

Under a full moon on the stroke of midnight they looked up from what they were doing towards the path that led all the way down to Crichton Castle. They saw, filing past the Churchyard gate on its way down the castle road - a silent procession of fine ladies and gentlemen all in black evening gowns and dinner suits. [Circa 1970]

8¼" height 6¾" width - 460+ pages
Perfect-Bound - Illustrated

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