For those who are not "UFO Abductees", the information in this file is nevertheless vital and applicable, and may one day save your life!!! If you believe that information about "Aliens" is only for those who have lost all touch with reality, then PLEASE accept that information in this document that you CAN accept, and pass over the rest, at least for now.
We make no apologies, since we feel that this agenda has already been responsible for damaging this American Republic in ways that most cannot even begin to comprehend, and will continue to be a threat to its very existence and prosperity until this 'enemy' is forever purged from our nation and those traitors responsible for violating our national security and 'selling out' this Constitutional Republic of the United States of America are brought to justice. Consider this a declaration of WAR against those eco-political forces and their draconian backers who would destroy our prosperity and freedom for their own fleeting material gain. So with no further introduction, we repeat the words of Louisiana District Attorney and JFK assassination investigator James Garrison, who boldly stated before leaving this world...
The above quote was made under regressive hypnosis by one of the first publicized 'UFO abductees', Barney Hill who-- along with his wife Betty -- claimed to have been abducted by grey-skinned entities from a space craft which apparently originated from the Zeta II Reticuli star system. The Grey alien abductors were obviously working with the human military officer who was encountered by Barney. This military officer was apparently a full-fledged Nazi, although this incident took place over 15 years after Europe had 'supposedly' been de-Nazified. This quote can be found in the paranormal encyclopedia "MYSTERIES OF THE MIND, TIME & SPACE", p. 1379.
Those who are familiar with the connections between Nazi's and UFO's may find the following document easier to accept than those who have never been introduced to the reports of secret Nazi aerial disk experiments, much less reports of their secret collaboration with the so-called Grey aliens years before the corporate-fascist infiltrators and sympathizers within the U.S. Intelligence Agencies began making their own treaties with these same serpentine 'aliens'.
Much information has been released about an 8-Level underground base under Camp Hero near Montauk Point, Long Island where full-fledged Nazi and CIA agents have apparently been working on sophisticated time-space manipulation experiments, as well as microwave mind-control experiments aimed at large populations, which are -- according to researchers Al Bielek and Preston Nichols -- being carried out to a greater degree than ever before under the cover of the Alaskan 'HAARP' project. It has been stated that unusual frequency broadcasts were detected all over Los Angeles prior to the L.A. Riots of 1992 shortly before the riots broke out, and there were inferences that the L.A. Riots were part of an "Operation Garden Plot" trial-run to establish martial law in America on the pretext of preventing a potential race war throughout the country. The Montauk Projects, in collaboration with Brookhaven National Labs; the I.T.T. corp. [which is largely owned by the German Krupp family who built munitions plants for Adolph Hitler and which, according to Al Bielek, has terminal accesses to the "Alternative-2 black budget underground network" under some of its major facilities]; and the Bavarian THULE society [which provided most of the financial backing for the 'Montauk' or 'Phoenix' projects]... have -- according to numerous sources including abductees -- been working very closely with Orionite and Draconian 'Reptiloids' and 'Greys' based within an underground facility surrounding DULCE, New Mexico. This information comes from Preston Nichols, Duncan Cameron, Al Bielek, and Peter Moon... all of whom claim to have had some connection to the Montauk projects, although in most cases CIA mind-control technology was used to induce an alternate personality in the workers there as an assurance that the secret activities remained concealed.
The Reptiloids in Alpha Draconis and Rigel Orion claim that they originated on earth in prehistoric times and were part of a bipedal reptilian or saurian race [like the cunning velociraptors?]. Now they are here to take back 'their planet' from the human race. In order to accomplish this, they are using multi-leveled deception and propaganda -- mostly through 'channeled' information and through information conveyed to 'abductees' -- to convince humans to capitulate themselves over to aliens 'guides' and thus allow the aliens access to their minds and in turn to our society in general. This same tactic, according to various contactees [Billy Meier, Jefferson Souza, Israel Norkin, Maurice Doreal, George Andrews, Thomas Castello, Alex Collier, etc.] has succeeded on many other colonial worlds that the 'Greys' have conquered, and it has also worked on this world to the extent that they have taken control of much of the 'underground black budget empire' -- a vast network of interconnected underground military-industrial bases and cities that have been constructed with the assistance of TRILLIONS [yes, I said TRILLIONS] of dollars siphoned from the American economy via taxes, drugs, organized crime, etc., money which has literally gone 'down the tubes', leaving our economy in a state of chaos. From this point and onward throughout this file, when the term 'Military-Industrial' complex is used, we are not referring to the U.S. Military in its entirety. In fact you could say that there is a definite and a violent conflict which is growing between what might be referred to as the "Military-Industrial-Executive" complex and the "Military-Congressional-Electorate" complex...
160+pages - 8¼ x 10¾ softcover