Serve yourself, your children with the tools that seed intuitive thinking skills, books that challenge and enrich the imagination. Take them back to the time before the mind-controlling television and electronic games to the origins of the ideas that gave birth to these electronic miracles. - BOOKS that fuel the creative processes of the human imagination. Edgar Rice Burroughs was one such man and author that enriched the minds of many a person.
About the Author
Edgar Rice Burroughs is one of the world's most
popular authors. With no previous experience as an
author, he wrote and sold his first novel--'A Princess
of Mars' in 1912. In the ensuing thirty-eight years until
his death in 1950, Burroughs wrote ninety-one books
and a host of short stories and articles. Although best
known as the creator of the classic Tarzan of the Apes
and John Carter of Mars, his restless imagination knew
few bounds. Burroughs's prolific pen ranged from the
American West to primitive Africa and on to romantic
adventure on the moon, the planets, and even beyond
the farthest star.
No one knows how many copies of ERB books have
been published throughout the world. It is conservative
to say, however, that with the translations into
thirty-two known languages, including Braille, the
number must ran into the hundreds of millions. When
one considers the additional worldwide following of
the Tarzan newspaper feature, radio programs, comic
magazines, motion pictures, and television,
Burroughs must have been known and loved by literally
a thousand million or more.
IT WAS EARLY in March, 1969, that I set out from
my bleak camp on the desolate shore some fifty miles
southeast of Herschel Island after polar bear. I had
come into the Arctic the year before to enjoy the first
real vacation that I had ever had. The definite close
of the Great War, in April two years before, had left
an exhausted world at peace-a condition that had
never before existed and with which we did not know
how to cope.
I think that we all felt lost without war-I know that I
did; but I managed to keep pretty busy with the
changes that peace brought to my bureau, the Bureau
of Communications, readjusting its activities to the
necessities of world trade uninfluenced by war. During
my entire official life I had had to combine the
two-communications for war and communications for
commerce, so the adjustment was really not a
Herculean task. It took a little time, that was all, and
after it was a fairly well accomplished fact I asked for
an indefinite leave, which was granted.
My companions of the hunt were three Eskimos,
the youngest of whom, a boy of nineteen, had never
before seen a white man, so absolutely had the last
twenty years of the Great War annihilated the meager
trade that had formerly been carried on between
their scattered settlements and the more favored
lands of so-called civilization.
But this is not a story of my thrilling experiences in
the rediscovery of the Arctic regions. It is, rather,
merely in way of explanation as to how I came to meet
him again after a lapse of some two years.
We had ventured some little distance from shore
when I, who was in the lead, sighted a bear far ahead.
I had scaled a hummock of rough and jagged ice when
I made the discovery and, motioning to my companion
to follow me, I slid and stumbled to the comparatively
level stretch of a broad floe beyond, across
which I ran toward another icy barrier that shut off
my view of the bear. As I reached it I turned to look
back for my companions, but they were not yet in
sight. As a matter of fact I never saw them again.
The whole mass of ice was in movement, grinding
and cracking; but I was so accustomed to this that I
gave the matter little heed until I had reached the summit
of the second ridge, from which I had another view
of the bear which I could see was moving directly toward
me, though still at a considerable distance.
I looked back again for my fellows. They were no
where in sight, but I saw something else that filled
me with consternation-the floe had split directly at the
first hummock and I was now separated from the mainland
by an ever widening lane of icy water.
Softcover, 5¼" x 8¼", 145+ pages