The Goddess
Goddess-Woman History
Joan of Arc
Maid of France : The Life and Death of Jeanne d'Arc (Lang)
No other person's life, biography, and death from the Dark Ages has been so recorded in such detail and under sworn testimony, witnessed by her friends and enemies. Her life stands as a testimony to the capability of women. Joan was a Goddess, torched to death, primarily for being a woman that embarrased the armies of England. TGS Publishing will keep as many books and materials in print as possible to keep the tragedy of Joan's hideous, religious, persecution and execution on the minds of modern day readers and researchers.
Her life and death is certainly one of those hidden mysteries of history that must be kept alive! What was it about Joan of Arc that famous writers, atheists, agnostics, skeptics, and non-Christians alike would come to admire her?
The life and times of Joan of Arc proves to the world several things:
1. That church and state MUST be kept separate.
2. That the church nor the state should have the power of murder and execution.
3. That Christianity is not capable, or worthy, to enforce any laws of religion or state.
4. It is dangerous to be a Christian with differing views from the fundamentalist heirarchy in a church ruled or church influenced state.
5. That the state and church will perform political executions of innocent people with trumped up charges, trumped up evidence, and false testimony of church or state witnesses.
6. That foreign states should never have the right to try prisoners, due to the kangaroo courts that enemy states create for execution of their enemies, and cover up of their own crimes.
7. That church and state WILL TORTURE, even women, to extract lies, false confessions, to falsely justify their intentions of murder.
8. That the world has been robbed of many great minds and people by the church and states violating the above tenets of truth.
Andrew Lang was a writer, journalist, satirist, and historian. He was a skeptic of religion, perhaps an atheist. He authored 2 books on Joan of Arc, this one presented here and a children's book, that TGS also publishes.
Here's what Andrew Land had to say about his research into Joan of Arc.
This glory of her sex,
A Star of Ancient France"
--Andrew Lang
400+ pages - 8¼ x 6¾ softcover, illustrated