Historical Reprints Money - Economics Lincoln Money Martyred : Return of the Money Changers

Lincoln Money Martyred : Return of the Money Changers

Lincoln Money Martyred : Return of the Money Changers
Catalog # SKU0027
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.20 lbs
Author Name R. F. Search


Lincoln Money Martyred
The Return of the Money Changers

By Dr. R.E. Search

A look at Lincoln's monetary views, which the author believes had much to do with the tragic end of this great president.

"The struggle that was to rid the country of human slavery of the black race, however, was also to fasten upon the whole nation an economic or money slavery, which has endured to the present time..."

This book tells of the Lincoln's struggle to create "greenbacks", a new money that would free the United States from the tyranny of the international bankers. He created them and then was killed for it.

From the introduction:

The author wishes the reader to understand from the beginning that only possibly a comparatively few of our American bankers are to be placed in the class of "Money Changers", hereafter spoken of, and can only be censured for their part in consciously or unconsciously perpetuating the devastating, unchristian, banking system that has been fastened upon us.

The American bankers have taken the system as it was, feeling it was at least legal, and have used it to work out their own economic problems and it is likely a regrettable fact that a very few of them ever gave their 'business' very much philosophical thought, or speculated on the eventual effect of the system upon the affairs of their nation, and consequently nearly one-half of their number have gone down to bankruptcy and disgrace in the last fifteen years, caught with the rest of us in the awful whirlpool of money racketeering and manipulation that is drawing the whole civilized world into its vortex.

"Ill fares the land, to hastening ills a prey,
Where wealth accumulates and men decay"

Oliver Goldsmith


Chapter VI

The English or Money Changers Banking System Started in the United States

We now come to the banking system of our own country. In 1700 Mayer Amschel Rothschild is recorded as saying:

"Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who makes its laws."

As each of the thirteen (13) colonies were organized into States, they fixed a limit of 6 per cent interest that might be charged for loaning money and a penalty of the principal being forfeited by the lender if he charged more than 6 per cent. How times have changed money practices!

The people in the colonies were principally from England, Scotland, Ireland, and Germany, and being used to the lending systems there, and knowing that England had been compelled to surrender to the money lenders in 1694, when the Bank of England was established and usury legalized, they had been led to believe, likely through sentiment built up by usurers and their agents (today called propaganda), that this was the only way that the money question could be handled.

There was a prevailing opinion in the newly organized States, as there had been in England, that nothing was real money except that made of gold and silver. So, the United States Congress passed an act establishing government owned and operated "Mints" where all gold and silver that was brought to them would be coined into money free of chare, it being deemed a necessary governmental duty. It ws hoped that this would so stimulate the production of those two metals as to furnish an adequate supply of money.

So-called State Banks (being privately owned, however) were also allowed ot be incorporated and were allowed to issue paper money, but only to be redeemed in money of gold or silver coinage. They could only loan their real money, or keep it and loan paper money, but not both.

This privilege, as had been the rule with nearly all privileges pertaining to money and banking, was abused. In some instances the bankers being unable to withstand the temptation to issue more money (paper) than they could redeem; some, of course, "went broke" even as they do today when called on to redeem their money.

All this time, since the establishing of the new Nation, the development of the country was increasing and money was never adequate to take care of new needs and expansion, and there arose a movement for the establishment of a "New Deal" in banking. After years of agitation and maneuvering and manipulation, in 1791, Congress was induced to pass a law (after long debate and strong opposition) chartering the "First Bank of the United States."

The reader will please note here that the identical tactics that were used with the establishing and naming of the Bank of England were again used, namely - the naming of the new bank the "Bank of the United States;" making it appear to be, without saying so, a bank owned by the government, that, of course, giving it the advantage of the prestige of the government, and the belief of the people of its consequent safety for the money they were to deposit in it.

More deception and make believe? Certainly, and as before mentioned, these are two of the main "stocks in trade" of the "money changers" or usurers.

It is most unbelievable, even at this date, to find the vast number of people here in the United States actually believing, and who will argue for hours that the federal Reserve Banks are "owned" by the "Government." Such, of course, is not true, as they are owned by private interests as was the Bank of the United States in 1791.

The first United States Bank was strongly opposed by both Edmund Randolph, the Attorney General of the United States, and the Secretary of State, Thomas Jefferson.

End excerpt.

1st published 1935
Softbound, 5x8", 250+ pages - illustrated

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