
Catalog # SKU0196
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 2.00 lbs
Author Name Jesse Benedict Carter, Grace Harriet Macurdy, L. D. Caskey, Clinton W. Keyes , St. Langdon, Theophile James Meek, J. Dyneley Prince, W. F. Albright, Grey Hubert Skipwith, George A. Barton, Lewis Payles Paton, Albert M. Lythgoe, Banks J. Wildman, W. M. Hen
ISBN 10: 0000000000
ISBN 13: 0000000000000


The Goddesses

Jesse Benedict Carter, Grace Harriet Macurdy, L. D. Caskey,
Clinton W. Keyes, St. Langdon, Theophile James Meek,
J. Dyneley Prince, W. F. Albright, Grey Hubert Skipwith,
George A. Barton, Lewis Payles Paton, Albert M. Lythgoe,
Banks J. Wildman, W. M. Hennessy, Edgar C. Knowlton,
Howard Rollin Patch, Frederick A. Vanderburgh,
Cosmopolitan Art Journal, H. K. Jones,
George Depue Hadzsits, George A. Barton

A large collection of studies on various goddessess of history.



* Cognomina of the Goddess Fortuna
* The Spinning Goddess
* Greek Head of a Goddess
* Cretan Snake Goddess
* Minerva Victrix Goddess
* Goddess of Sipurla
* Hymn to Ishtar
* Hymn to the Goddess Bau
* Goddess of Life and Wisdom
* Goddess Ashtoreth
* Etymology of Ishtar

* Hymn to Goddess Kir-gi-lu
* Mother Goddess of Palestine
* Goddess Sekhmet
* Goddess Juno in the Aeneid
* Goddess from Chios
* Minoan Snake Goddess
* Greek Goddess
* Marble Head of a Goddess
* Irish Goddess of War
* The Goddess Nature
* The Goddess Fortuna in the Divine Comedy
* Composite Bau Text
* Venus of Page
* The Idea of Venus
* The Lucretian Invocation of Venus
* Ashtoreth and Her Influence in the Old Testament


Sample Pages:

360 pages - 8½ x 11 softcover

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