Thomas Troward (1847-1916) must have been a modest man, because I can find no mention of
him in biographical works of reference such as "Who Was Who". Yet he was a prominent figure in
the Indian Civil Service, serving as Her Majesty's Assistant Commissioner and later Divisional
Judge of the North Indian Punjab from 1869 until his retirement in 1896.
After his retirement, he devoted himself to painting (mainly seascapes) and to writing and
lecturing on his great interest, metaphysical and esoteric studies.
Troward's contributions to the explanation of what he calls "Mental Science" are models of clarity,
and I have myself found them most helpful in sorting and crystallising my own thoughts on
"spiritual" matters. The following works were recently re-published as a single volume entitled,The Creative Process in the Individual.
The Creative Process
The Dore Lectures
The Edinburg Lectures
The Law And The Word
Bible Mystery And Bible Meaning
Perusal of the "esoteric" explanations in "Bible Mystery and Bible Meaning" has for me undone
much of the damage caused by the illogical and unreasonable constructions put upon puzzling
passages by profesional clerics and lay Christian apologists, and restored my respect for a book
which had a profound beneficial influence upon my childhood upbringing.
And although in all his books, Judge Troward keeps going over what is superficially the same
ground, each traverse from a slighly different perspective brings out new relationships and highlights
new implications.
I have found the thirteen lectures originally given by Judge Troward in 1904 in the Queen Street
Hall, Edinburgh, to be the clearest and best-structured presentation of his philosophy.
Readers who are abreast of developments in modern physics should refrain from scoffing at
Troward's scientific allusions where they seem "quaint" or outdated. He had a grasp of contemporary
science that is rare among present-day legal dignitaries, and we should always bear in mind
that his object was to use examples from physical science to make his "spiritual" meaning clearer
to the reader.
Because of the popularity of the published lectures, Troward added a further three lectures by
way of amplification of certain points. The present single volume also contains twelve lectures on
similar topics given at the Dore Gallery, Bond Street, London in 1909.
Since Thomas Troward "passed on" in 1916, progress in civilisation has been evaluated almost
exclusively in physical, technological and financial terms. The more "advanced" a society, the
more its attention is focused on catering for the "animal" attributes of the human body without any
consideration of what the body is for. When we have reached a stage at which artificial vegetative
cloning is considered an "advance" over sexual reproduction, it is no wonder that thinking men
and women are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with their apparently pointless lives, and are
desperately seeking for new (or renewed) meaning.
For such people, Troward's writings are a Godsend. He explains the Spiritual purpose for human
life in clear, consistent language which helps the reader to "make sense" of other philosophical
and religious works, many of which are now available on the Internet. He also makes it very
clear that each individual human being is responsible for seeking a personal reason for living.
In the present volume I have endeavored to set before the reader the conception of a sequence
of creative action commencing with the formation of the globe and culminating in a vista of infinite
possibilities attainable by every one who follows up the right line for their unfoldment.
I have endeavored to show that, starting with certain incontrovertible scientific facts, all these
things logically follow, and that therefore, however far these speculations may carry us beyond
our past experience, they nowhere break the thread of an intelligible connection of cause and
I do not, however, offer the suggestions here put forward in any other light than that of purely
speculative reasoning; nevertheless, no advance in any direction can be made except by speculative
reasoning going back to the first principles of things which we do know and thence deducing
the conditions under which the same principles might be carried further and made to produce
results hitherto unknown. It is to this method of thought that we owe all the advantages of civilization
from matches and post-offices to motorcars and aeroplanes, and we may therefore be encouraged
to hope such speculations as the present may not be without their ultimate value.
on the maxim that Principle is not bound by Precedent we should not limit our expectations of
the future; and if our speculations lead us to the conclusion that we have reached a point where we
are not only able, but also required, by the law of our own being, to take a more active part in our
personal evolution than heretofore, this discovery will afford us a new outlook upon life and widen
our horizon with fresh interests and brightening hopes.
If the thoughts here suggested should help any reader to clear some mental obstacles from his
path the writer will feel that he has not written to no purpose. Only each reader must think out
these suggestions for himself. No writer or lecturer can convey an idea into the minds of his audience.
He can only put it before them, and what they will make of it depends entirely upon themselves
-assimilation is a process which no one can carry out for us.
To the kindness of my readers on both sides of the Atlantic, and in Australia and New Zealand,
I commend this little volume, not, indeed, without a deep sense of its many shortcomings, but at
the same time encouraged by the generous indulgence extended to my previous books.
Thomas Troward
Softcover, 8¼" x 10¾", 320+ pages