Historical Reprints Esoteric - Spiritual Life of Reason Set of 5 Volumes

Life of Reason Set of 5 Volumes

Life of Reason Set of 5 Volumes
Catalog # SKU1387
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 5.00 lbs
Author Name George Santayana


The Life of Reason
Set of FIVE Books

George Santayana

Whatever forces may govern human life, if they are to be recognised by man, must betray themselves in human experience. Progress in science or religion, no less than in morals and art, is a dramatic episode in man's career, a welcome variation in his habit and state of mind; although this variation may often regard or propitiate things external, adjustment to which may be important for his welfare.

Set of FIVE
Life of Reason Series

Click on each cover to read about the individual volume

5 Books - 8 x 5 inches SoftCover


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Sex in the Sticks
Both Sides of the Veil
One Bloody Alabaster Eye
Teaching of Apostles and the Sibylline Books
Pow-Wows :  Long Lost Friend
Life and Teachings of Zoroaster