The Goddess Goddess-Woman History Joan of Arc Inquistions, The Trials, The Murder of Jeanne d'Arc

Inquistions, The Trials, The Murder of Jeanne d'Arc

Inquistions, The Trials, The Murder of Jeanne d'Arc
Catalog # SKU2830
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name T. Douglas Murray


The Inquistions, The Trials,
The Murder
Jeanne d'Arc
Maid of Orleans
Deliverer of France

The Story of her Life, her Achievements,
and her Death, as Attested on Oath and
Set Forth in the Original Documents

T. Douglas Murray

No other person's life, biography, and death from the Dark Ages has been so recorded in such detail and under sworn testimony, witnessed by her friends and enemies.

Her life and death is certainly one of those hidden mysteries of history that must be kept alive! What was it about Joan of Arc that famous writers, atheists, agnostics, skeptics, and non-Christians alike would come to admire her?

The life and times of Joan of Arc proves to the world several things:

    1. That church and state MUST be kept separate.

    2. That the church nor the state should have the power of murder and execution.

    3. That Christianity is not capable, or worthy, to enforce any laws of religion or state.

    4. It is dangerous to be a Christian with differing views from the fundamentalist heirarchy in a church ruled or church influenced state.

    5. That the state and church will perform political executions of innocent people with trumped up charges, trumped up evidence, and false testimony of church or state witnesses.

    6. That foreign states should never have the right to try prisoners, due to the kangaroo courts that enemy states create for execution of their enemies, and cover up of their own crimes.

    7. That church and state WILL TORTURE, even women, to extract lies, false confessions, to falsely justify their intentions of murder.

    8. That the world has been robbed of many great minds and people by the church and states violating the above tenets of truth.

TGS Publishing will keep as many books and materials in print as possible to keep the tragedy of Joan's hideous, religious, persecution and execution on the minds of modern day readers and researchers.

Murray was an editor of this book, and a translator. This book is a collection of the historical documents preserved throughout the ages about Joan of Arc.

But the marvel is that these stupendous achievements
were not the results of mere enthusiasm,
great and potent though that was,
but of settled, farseeing skill and
prudence on the part of Jeanne,
joined to a strength of soul and purpose
which multiplied the strength of the army tenfold.
--T. Douglas Murray


Excerpt from the Introduction:

By the order of Pope Calixtus in 1455, the Trial of Jeanne d'Arc at Rouen, which had taken place twenty-four years before, was reconsidered by a great court of lawyers and churchmen, and the condemnation of Jeanne was solemnly annulled and declared wicked and unjust. By this re-trial posterity has been allowed to see the whole life of the village maiden of Domremy, as she was known first to her kinsfolk and her neighbors, and afterwards to warriors, nobles and churchmen who followed her extraordinary career. The evidence so given is unique in its minute and faith worthy narration of a great and noble life; as indeed that life is itself unique in all human history.

After all that can be done by the rationalizing process, the mystery remains of an untutored and unlettered girl of eighteen years old, not only imposing her will upon captains and courtiers, but showing a skill and judgment worthy, as General Dragomiroff says, "of the greatest commanders." While we must give due weight and consideration to the age in which this marvel showed itself on the stage of history, an age of portents and prophecies, of miracle worker and saints, yet, when all allowance is made, there remains this sane, strong, solid girl leaving her humble home, and accomplishing more, in two short months, than any great leader of men; and at an age when not one of them had achieved any success of importance.

The story is best given by the witnesses, and only indications or, so to speak, sign-posts are needed to point out the way. Before the work of Jeanne can be even vaguely apprehended something must be known of how France stood at her coming. A century of misfortune and sorrow, broken only by a parenthesis of comparative prosperity from 1380 to 1407, had left her an easy prey to the hereditary enemy. Torn asunder by factions which distracted Church and State alike, she was in no condition of health and courage to recover from the shock of the crushing disaster at Agincourt. For although the English were unable at the moment to follow up the victory they had gained and Henry V returned to England, the bearer of barren glory, still the breathing time was not put to good account by the French, whose domestic wars made combined national action impossible.

At Henry's second coming, regular resistance was hardly offered. His fleets and armies held the Channel and the ports and fortresses on both sides. The King of France was insane. His wife, Isabel of Bavaria, came to terms with the English King, and by the treaty of Troyes (1420) the Crown of France was to pass away from the Dauphin, whom his wretched mother would willing bastardize, to the issue of Henry and the Princess Catherine, the ready instrument of her mother's purpose. When Henry V died, the son born of this unhallowed marriage was declared King of France and England under the title of Henry VI. The poor child was less than a year old. His able and resolute uncle John, Duke of Bedford, ruled France as Regent, and carried the arms of England in triumph against all who dared to dispute his nephew's title.

The Dauphin fled to the south, and abandoned to Bedford all territory north of the Loire. Paris was occupied and held by the English. The braver members of the Parliament and the University joined the Dauphin at Poitiers, but the accommodating and timid members did homage to Bedford and duly attend to Henry VI as to their lawful King. Orleans alone remained, of the strong places of France, in the hands of the patriot party. If Orleans fell, all organized opposition to Bedford would melt away.

As Orleans was the key of the military, so was Reims the key of the political situation. Reims was the old city where for many centuries the Kings of France had been crowned and consecrated. Such a ceremony brought with it in an especial manner the sacrosanct divinity which in the middle ages hedged a King.

It is noteworthy that Jeanne's mission, as now defined and traced by French scholars, was the double one of rescuing beleaguered Orleans and crowning the Dauphin at Reims.

Orleans had withstood a stubborn siege of many months, but its fate seemed sealed. The Dauphin had almost given up the struggle. He had made futile appeals for help to the King of Scotland, whose infant daughter was betrothed to young Louis, afterwards the terrible Louis XI. To Naples also he made appeals, but no succor or hope came, and in despair he shut himself up at Chinon, giving up the cause of France as lost unless aid came from on high. Jeanne came as the messenger of glad tidings, and announced herself as one sent by God to aid France in her extreme need.

480+ pages - 8¼ x 6¾ softcover

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