Historical Reprints Mysteries Inner Earth People - Outer Space People

Inner Earth People - Outer Space People

Inner Earth People - Outer Space People
Catalog # SKU2054
Publisher InnerLight/Global
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name William L. Blessing


Inner Earth People
Outer Space People

William Lester Blessing

Is there Biblical confirmation of a hollow earth or underground civilizations? Or scriptural reference to UFOs and/or other worlds of people? This preacher's research may indicate there actually is Biblical support for these ideas.


The idea that the earth is hollow has fascinated me since I was a kid. While growing up, I must have owned five different editions of Jules Verne's Journey To The Center of the Earth. I even had model dinosaurs that I had glued together based upon the beasts that were said to still roam inside the earth (if not on the surface).

And like everyone else I was so intrigued I could not wait to get my hands on a copy of the book The Hollow Earth by Raymond Bernard that was advertised in every tabloid and pulp magazine (yes! even in Fate).

But I went one step further, I actually corresponded with Bernard from his conclave in the jungles of Brazil. He believed strongly that an entrance to the inner earth could be found and entered somewhere in the hot and steamy Amazon region of our planet.

Somewhere along the line I was sent me a small book by William L. Blessing on what the Bible says about such a place. Now I am not much into Scriptures, but I was intrigued and Rev. Blessing wrote in such a matter of fact way that I felt this was at least evidence that the concept had been around for a hell of a long time.

William Blessing is now with the Lord, but we recently uncovered a copy of a very length discourse he originally published on this very topic in the l960s. I jumped at the opportunity to latch onto this work so that it could be preserved and offered to the legions of hollow and inner earth fans. Tim Swartz has done us a fantastic new cover (the original edition had a very ordinary looking globe with a hole at the North Pole that has been used a hundred times or more) and our friends at TGS have helped us organize it into a book we can be proud of.

Inner Light/Global Communications is the only publisher today who continues to present news of this fantastic land beyond the poles that Admiral Richard Byrd even seemingly spoke of. My own Subterranean Worlds Inside Earth has gone into many editions and has been translated into several languages (there is even a Korean and a Japanese edition out there as the subject is immensely popular in Asia). And you can find a complete list of available titles in the back of this book for those who would like to research the topic more thoroughly. We have a few other "lost" works on the subject we will release over the next few months so be on the look out for more material of this nature. But now on to what William Blessing has to say.

310+ pages - 10¾ x 8¼ softcover

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