For a number of years practically all of the literature
of Individualist Anarchism has been out of print.
The great bulk of whatever matter there was had, of
course, been in the hands of Benjamin R. Tucker, and
up to 1908 it was being constantly augmented by him.
But when, in January of that year, his entire wholesale
stock of publications, manuscripts, etc., and nearly
all of his plates were wiped out by fire, the loss was
irreparable, and little attempt has been made to replace any of the material destroyed.
The demand for something representative of Individualist
Anarchism has become so insistent that it has
been determined to produce at least one volume of
the best matter available, and in that volume to attempt
to cover the whole subject.
The nearest that any book ever came to answering
that description is Tucker's 'Instead of a Book', first
published in 1893, culled from his writings in his periodical,
Liberty, and out of print since 1908. This
closely printed volume of nearly 500 pages was composed
of questions and criticisms by his correspondents
and by writers in other periodicals, all answered
by the editor of Liberty in that keen, clearcut
style that was the delight of his adherents and the
despair of his opponents.
In casting about for material for the proposed volume,
therefore, no other writings than those of Benjamin
R. Tucker could for a moment be considered,
and it is no exaggeration to say that they stand high
above everything else that has been written on the
subject, not even excepting the works of Josiah Warren,
Proudhon, and Lysander Spooner, or of any other
person who has ever attempted to expound the principles
of Individualist Anarchism.
Consciously or unconsciously, our feelings about almost everything are largely molded by ready-made opinions and attitudes fostered by our mass methods of communication. We cannot buy a bar of soap or a filtered cigarette without paying tribute to the impact of suggestion. Right or wrong, most of us place more confidence in what "they" say than we do in our own powers of reason. This is the basic reason why psychiatrists are in short supply. We distrust our own mental processes and want an expert to tell us what to think and feel.
The courts are at last beginning to take rational
views on the question of peaceable picketing and
peaceable boycotting. Several refreshing decisions
have been rendered within a short time in which the
principle is recognized that what one man may legitimately
do several men may do in concert. But even
the most independent and intelligent of the judges
still stultify themselves by attempting baseless distinctions
between self-regarding boycotts and purely
sympathetic boycotts.
A, they say, may boycott B, if
he has any grievance against him, but he may not ask
C to boycott B and threaten to boycott him in turn in
the event of refusal. When they undertake to defend
this position, they fail miserably, of course, and the
truth is that they shrink from the clear logic of the principle
which they lay down at the outset. But let us not
expect too much of them at once. 'It is the first step
that is difficult.' Having accepted a sound principle,
its corollaries will force themselves on them.
Anarchism and Copyright
Not alone on the land question did Mr. Tucker find
himself in disagreement with Henry George. In his
newspaper, the Standard of June 23, 1888, the latter
discussed with a correspondent the question of property
in ideas. The editor of Liberty thus took exception
to his arguments:
Mr. George, taking his stand upon the principle that
productive labor is the true basis of the right of property,
argues through three columns, with all the consummate
ability for which credit should be given him,
to the triumphant vindication of the position that there
can rightfully be no such thing as the exclusive ownership
of an idea.
No man, he says, 'can justly claim ownership in
natural laws, nor in any of the relations which may be
perceived by the human mind, nor in any of the potentialities
which nature holds for it...Ownership
comes from production. It cannot come from discovery.
Discovery can give no right of ownership...No
man can discover anything which, so to speak, was
not put there to be discovered, and which some one
else might not in time have discovered. If he finds it,
it was not lost. It, or its potentiality, existed before he
It was there to be found...In the production of
any material thing - a machine, for instance there are
two separable parts, - the abstract idea of principle,
which may be usually expressed by drawing, by writing,
or by word of mouth; and the concrete form of
the particular machine itself, which is produced by
bringing together in certain relations certain quantities
and qualities of matter, such as wood, steel, brass,
brick, rubber, cloth, etc.
There are two modes in
which labor goes to the making of the machine, - the
one in ascertaining the principle on which such machines
can be made to work; the other in obtaining
from their natural reservoirs and bringing together
and fashioning into shape the quantities and qualities
of matter which in their combination constitute the
concrete machine. In the first mode labor is expended
in discovery. In the second mode it is expended in
production. The work of discovery may be done once
for all, as in the case of the discovery in prehistoric
time of the principle or idea of the wheelbarrow. But
the work of production is required afresh in the case
of each particular thing.
No matter how many thousand
millions of wheelbarrows have been produced,
it requires fresh labor of production to make another
The natural reward of labor expended in discovery
is in the use that can be made of the discovery
without interference with the right of any one else
to use it.
Softcover, 5¼" x 8¼", 385+ pages