As spiritual pioneers of the New Age, there are many things to consider. Certainly the coming of the so-called Flying Saucers is a momentous "sign of the times," and the attitude taken towards them is an unmistakable measuring rod of your intelligence and spiritual status.
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People interested in Flying Saucers fall into three categories-those who are indifferent to the whole matter, those who are interested only in the physical aspects, who pride themselves on their "scientific attitude," but close their mind to every evidence not in keeping with their own theories, and those who "believe" in Flying Saucers and the possibility of communication with Spacemen.
Among the latter we find some, it is true, who are mentally not capable of weighing evidence and the nature of various reports and "believe" everybody who claims to have made a contact with Spacemen and every wild story. Naturally such people are ridiculed by the more "sober minded," who reserve judgment until they find some evidence for acceptance. On the other hand, is he who senses the tremendous import of Flying Saucers any less intelligent than he who point blank refuses to even consider the possibility of higher worlds and communications with Spacemen through extrasensory perception?
Extrasensory perception is now scientifically proven, established by Prof. Rhine of Duke University. And why shouldn't' beings from Outer Space, more advanced in this sort of thing, communicate with receptive individuals here on earth?
Now, a high degree of development of both intelligence and extrasensory perception is of course, ideal, but the lack of the former is no more regrettable than the lack of the latter. As to "men of science," they must necessarily have highly trained minds, but they may be utterly lacking in extrasensory perception or any sort of spiritual perception, which requires the unfoldment of latent, little known faculties in man.
Fortunately for humanity, the number of those who intuitively feel the possibility of intercommunication between dwellers on this planet and in other worlds, is constantly growing and the biting ridicule of materialists cannot shake their faith, for the earth is moving into a new "dimension" and the requirements for the "survival of the fittest" is changing. Once it was brawn, but now it is precisely the extrasensory faculty. The life of many a soldier has been saved by a sudden "hunch." Mental telepathy will be far more common in the future and one day will be considered "standard equipment." For the present, the man or woman who has it, is far more likely to survive in these days of earthquakes, floods and bombings.
For he or she who gets the "hunch" to leave a certain place before a bomb falls, before an earthquake rocks the house, or fire breaks out, has a far greater chance to survive than those who do not have such "hunches." A man may be smart enough to "get the best of the other fellow," strong as an ox, and very "practical," and have a well trained mind, but still may not be able to foresee disaster.
In these perilous times, it is not necessarily the one with the biggest bank roll, or who is socially secure, and has a private bomb shelter, who will survive, but rather the one who has learned to follow hunches, who feels an inner "guidance," and remains calm.