Historical Reprints
Health Related
A humorous look at losing weight, with valid solutions to the weight 'problem?'
Medical humbugs began to exist with the first pretenders to the science of healing. Quacks originated at a much later period. So materially different are the two classes, that I am compelled to treat of them separately. The word humbug is a corruption of Hamburg, Germany.
Man, know thyself, said the old Greek philosopher. Man perforce has taken that advice to heart. His life-long interest is his own species. In the cradle he begins to collect observations on the nature of the queer beings about him. As he grows, the research continues, amplifies, broadens. Wisdom he measures by the devastating accuracy of the data he accumulates. When he declares he knows human nature, consciously cynical maturity speaks.
I SEND this little book out into the world, first, to aid those who, having decided to adopt a bloodless diet, are still asking how they can be nourished without flesh; second, in the hope of gaining something further to protect "the speechless ones" who, having come down through the centuries under "the dominion of man," have in their eyes the mute, appealing look of the helpless and oppressed.
This is volume 4 of this highly evolved series on spiritual growth and health. The authors and editors take great efforts to teach the reader, not only the why one needs to grow spiritually but how to do so, with proven techniques and practices. Harmonic Series
This is volume 5 of this highly evolved series on spiritual growth and health. The authors and editors take great efforts to teach the reader, not only the why one needs to grow spiritually but how to do so, with proven techniques and practices.
An investigation into the dangers of hypnotism and psychology as crimes against the human nature, mind, and intellect.
This is volume 3 of this highly evolved series on spiritual growth and health. The authors and editors take great efforts to teach the reader, not only the why one needs to grow spiritually but how to do so, with proven techniques and practices. Harmonic Series
THERE are many people in America and Europe who want to know what yoga is, and they say, "Do not tell us about the yoga of one particular school; we want a concise survey of the whole field."
This is volume 3 of this highly evolved series on spiritual growth and health. The authors and editors take great efforts to teach the reader, not only the why one needs to grow spiritually but how to do so, with proven techniques and practices. Harmonic Series
Simple, but common sense, guidelines designed to maintain and restore health.
In these days when the name of Mahatma Gandhi is identified with the momentous question of Non-Co-operation, it may come with a shock of surprise to most readers to be told that he is something of an authority on matters of Health and Disease as well. Very few of us perhaps are aware that he is the author of quite an original little Health-book in Gujarati.
The author explores the importance of sex to gynecological functions of the body and health.
In 1820, John George Hohman published a book called Verborgne Freund (Long Lost Friend). In this book are ancient household remedies, incantations, and charms that are based on the magical practices of emigrants from the Rhineland and Switzerland who arrived in Pennsylvania in the 17th and 18th centuries.
LOOKING upon the human body from the physical point of view as the most perfect, most ingeniously economical, and most beautiful of living machines, the author has attempted to write a little handbook of practical instruction for the running of it.