Historical Reprints Philosophical Golden Calf which the World Adores and Desires

Golden Calf which the World Adores and Desires

Golden Calf which the World Adores and Desires
Catalog # SKU1103
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name John Frederick Helvetius


Golden Calf

which the
World Adores and Desires

John Frederick Helvetius

In which is handled
The most Rare and Incomparable
Wonder of Nature, In Transmuting


How the intire Substance of Lead, was in one
Moment Transmuted in Gold-Obrizon,
with an exceeding small particle of the true
Philosophick Stone.

At the Hague. In the Year 1666.

Although I neither was willing, nor able to be wanting to my honoured Friends, yet would not divulge and bring to light the Verity of the Spagirick Art, but by this most precious, and Miraculous Arcanum, which I not only saw with these Eyes, but taking a little of the transmutatory powder, I myself also transmuted an Impure Mass of Lead volatile in the Fire, into fixed Gold, constantly sustaining every Examen of Fire


How can a Man, fallen from the Fountain of Light, into the Abyss of Darkness, effect any thing to purpose, in Natural things, especially when his Wisdome in this natural Philosophick Study is barren and sophisticate? It is, for the most part, proper to these Fools and unapt men, presently to contemn a thing, not knowing, that more are yet to be sought by them, than they have the possession of.

Therefore, rightly saith Seneca, in lib. de Moribus: Thou art not yet happy, if the Rout deride thee not. But I matter not, whether they believe, or contradict what I write, touching the Transmutation of Metals. I rest satisfied in this one thing, which with my eyes I have seen, and what with my hands I have done. For what Philosophers say of themselves, I also have with my hands handled this Spark of the Eternal Wisdome, or this Saturnine Catholick Magnesia of Philosophers, a Fire of potency sufficient to penetrate Stones, yea, a Treasure of so great value, as 20 Tun of Gold cannot exceed the price thereof. What seek you?

I believe what I have seen with the eyes of Thomas, and handled as he, (but in the nature of things only) as well as the Adept Philosophers; although in this our decrepit age of the world, That be accounted a most Secret Hyperphysico-magical Saturn, and not known, unless to some Cabalistick Christian only. We judge him the most happy of all Physicians, who hath the knowledge of this pleasant Medicinal potion of our Mercury, or of the Medicine of the Son of our Esculapius resisting the force of death, against which there is no Panacea otherwise produced in Gardens. Moreover, the most wise GOD doth not reveal his Gifts of Solomon promiscuously to all Mortals.

They indeed seem strange to them, when they behold a Creature, from the occult Magnetick potency incited in it self, deduced into art by its own like; as for Example: In Iron is a Magnetick, ingenited, potential virtue from the Magnet: a Magnetick virtue in Gold from Mercury: a Magnetick virtue in Silver from Venus, or Copper: and so consequently in all Metals, Minerals, and Stones, Herbs, and Plants, &c.

Softcover, 5 x 8, 65+ pages


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