Historical Reprints History Facts Are Facts

Facts Are Facts

Facts Are Facts
Catalog # SKU0093
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Benjamin H. Freedman


Facts Are Facts

By Benjamin Freedman

This Jewish author exposes the fraud that modern Jewry is descended from the biblical Judeans or Hebrews and shows how its origin is actually from the Mongol Khazars who converted to Judaism..

The historic facts revealed here for the first time provide incontestible evidence that their continued suppression will prove inimical to the security of the nation, the peace of the world, the welfare of humanity, and the progress of civilizaton.

A facsimile reproduction - reprinted - and typeset to meet the many requests for a copy of the letter addressed to Dr. David Goldstein, LL.D. of Boston, Massachusetts by its author Benjamin H. Freedman of New York City - dated October 10, 1954.


After the conversion of King Bulan none but a so-called or self-styled 'Jew' could occupy the Khazar throne. The Khazar Kingdom became a virtual theocracy. The religious leaders were the civil administrators also. The religious leaders imposed the teachings of the Talmud upon the population as their guide to living. The ideologies of the Talmud became the axis of political, cultural, economic and social attitudes and activities throughout the Khazar kingdom. The Talmud provided civil and religious law.

80 pages, 5.5 x 8.5, perfect-bound

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