The Publisher of the following short Account of the AETHER having prepared, and successfully made Use of it in his private Practice, for several Years, has at length determin'd to endeavour to extend it's Utility, by thus making it public; as he knows of no one who has ever published it's medicinal virtues.
This truly extraordinary Chemical Preparation is not a new Discovery, having been known and esteemed, as a valuable Curiosity, by many of the greatest Chemists and Philosophers, both Ancient and Modern; particularly by Sir Isaac Newton, and the Honourable Mr. Boyle, who both mention it in their Works, tho' not by this Name: And therefore before any Thing is said of it's Virtues as a Medicine, it may not be improper to explain the Nature of it, and enumerate a few of it's remarkable Properties, considered as a Curiosity in Chemistry, in which Light chiefly it has hitherto been view'd by those who have been acquainted with it.
An Account Of The Aether, &c.
Particular Directions for using the Aether.
A Vertigo.
The Epilepsy.
In Convulsions.
Hysteric and Hypochondriac Disorders.
Disorders of the Stomach and Intestines.
The Method of taking the Aether Inwardly
The Method of Applying the Aether Externally.
Softcover, 4" x 5¼", 35+ pages
Perfect-Bound - small booklet