The Qabalah is the Secret Doctrine of the Jews, handed down throughout
the ages by the great teachers to their beloved disciples under the solemn
vow of secrecy.
The evils from which humanity suffers are not eternal, but confined io the
limits of time. They diminish and their intensity decreases in the same proportion
as humanity expands its life both in space and in time. The end of all
those evils will be their ultimate disappearance by being reduced to what
geometry call the "
infinitely little."
The Qabalah is not a holy book as are the Vedas, the Bible, and the Koran.
It is not a book at all: instead it is a secret traditional knowledge, the hidden
thought of Israel, which, like gold embedded in rock, is to be found only
after much labor in many Hebrew works, such as the Torah, the Talmud, the
Mishna, Midrashim, Zohar, and scores of other books.
Excerpt 2
Excerpt 1
This wisdom is formed within a vast number of doctrines, such as the nature
of God; the mystical cosmogony of the universe; the destiny of the universe;
the creation of man; the immutability of God; the moral government
of the universe; the doctrine of good and evil; the nature of the soul, angels,
and demons; the transcendental symbolism of numbers and letters; the balancing
of complementary forces, etc. All these many problems are divided
under two main headings, the Theoretical and the Practical Qabalah; the
first being again divided into the Symbolical, Dogmatic, and Speculative
The first main division, that is the Theoretical, is philosophical; the second
is magical and is largely elaborated round the Maaseh Merkabah - the
Chariot of Ezekiel and the four Animals which are also mentioned in the
Apocalypse. Out of this magical Qabalah much of the magic of the Middle
Ages was developed.
The universal mystical spirituality of the children of Abraham is a robust,
precious, and little known heritage upon which the fabric of the Judaic, Christian,
Islamic, and perhaps even the Tantric religions are woven. That heritage
is called the Mystical Qabalah, though it is often seen as "
The history of the tablets translated in the following pages is strange and
beyond the belief of modern scientists. Their antiquity is stupendous, dating
back some 36,000 years B.C. The writer is Thoth, an Atlantean Priest-
King, who founded a colony in ancient Egypt after the sinking of the mother
country. He was the builder of the Great Pyramid of Giza, erroneously attributed
to Cheops. (See The Great Pyramid by Doreal.) In it he incorporated
his knowledge of the ancient wisdom and also securely secreted
records and instruments of ancient Atlantis.
For some 16,000 years, he ruled the ancient race of Egypt, from approximately
50,000 B.C. to 36.000 B.C. At that time, the ancient barbarous race
among which he and his followers had settled had been raised to a high
degree of civilization. Thoth was an immortal, that is, he had conquered
death, passing only when he willed and even then not through death. His
vast wisdom made him ruler over the various Atlantean colonies, including
the ones in South and Central America.
When the time came for him to leave Egypt, he erected the Great Pyramid
over the entrance to the Great Halls of Amenti, placed in it his records,
and appointed guards for his secrets from among the highest of his people.
In later times, the descendants of these guards became the pyramid priests,
by which Thoth was deified as the God of Wisdom, The Recorder, by those
in the age of darkness which followed his passing. In legend, the halls of
Amenti became the underworld, the Halls of the Gods, where the soul passed
after death for judgment.
During later ages, the ego of Thoth passed into the bodies of men in the
manner described in the tablets. As such, he incarnated three times, in his
last being known as Hermes, the thrice-born. In this incarnation, he left the
writings known to modern occultists as the Emerald Tablets, a later and far
lesser exposition of the ancient mysteries.
The tablets translated in this work are ten which were left in the Great
Pyramid in the custody of the pyramid priests. The ten are divided into thirteen
parts for the sake of convenience. The last two are so great and farreaching
in their import that at present it is forbidden to release them to the
world at large. However, in those contained herein are secrets which will
prove of inestimable value to the serious student. They should be read, not
once, but a hundred times for only thus can the true meaning be revealed. A
casual reading will give glimpses of beauty, but more intensive study will
oven avenues of wisdom to the seeker.
But now a word as to how these mighty secrets came to be revealed to
modern man after being hidden so long.
Some thirteen hundred years B.C., Egypt, the ancient Khem, was in turmoil
and many delegations of priests were sent to other parts of the world.
Among these were some of the pyramid priests who carried with them the
Emerald Tablets as a talisman by which they could exercise authority over
the less advanced priest-craft of races descended from other Atlantean colonies.
The tablets were understood from legend to give the bearer authority
from Thoth.
The particular group of priests bearing the tablets emigrated to South
America where they found a flourishing race, the Mayas who remembered
much of the ancient wisdom. Among these, the priests settled and remained.
In the tenth century, the Mayas had thoroughly settled the Yucatan, and the
tablets were placed beneath the altar of one of the great temples of the Sun
God. After the conquest of the Mayas by the Spaniards, the cities were abandoned
and the treasures of the temples forgotten.
It should be understood that the Great Pyramid of Egypt has been and
still is a temple of initiation into the mysteries. Jesus, Solomon, Apollonius
and others were initiated there. The writer (who has a connection with the
Great White Lodge which also works through the pyramid priesthood) was
instructed to recover and return to the Great Pyramid the ancient tablets.
This, after adventures which need not be detailed here, was accomplished.
Before returning them, he was given permission to translate and retain a
copy of the wisdom engraved on the tablets. This was done in 1925 and only
now has permission been given for part to be published. It is expected that
many will scoff. Yet the true student will read between the lines and gain
wisdom. If the light is in you, the light which is engraved in these tablets will
Now, a word as to the material aspect of the tablets. They consist of twelve tablets of emerald green, formed from a substance created through alchemical
transmutation. They are imperishable, resistant to all elements and substances.
In effect, the atomic and cellular structure is fixed, no change ever
taking place. In this respect, they violate the material law of ionization. Upon
them are engraved characters in the ancient Atlantean language: characters
which respond to attuned thought waves, releasing the associated mental
vibration in the mind of the reader. The tablets are fastened together with
hoops of golden-colored alloy suspended from a rod of the same material.
So much for the material appearance. The wisdom contained therein is the
foundation of the ancient mysteries. And for the one who reads with open
eyes and mind, his wisdom shall be increased a hundred-fold.
Read. Believe or not, but read. And the vibration found therein will awaken
a response in your soul.
In Cosmic Harmony,
Supreme Voice of the Brotherhood
Softcover, 10¾" x 8, 125+ pages