Historical Reprints Health Related Epitome of the Homeopathic Healing Art

Epitome of the Homeopathic Healing Art

Epitome of the Homeopathic Healing Art
Catalog # SKU1921
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name B. L. Hill


An Epitome of the
Homeopathic Healing Art

B. L. Hill

A TGS Survival Book Reprint. This book doesn't spend time defending homeopathy, but rather jumps straight into the homeopathic remedies and cures. Even if you only use homeopathy as first aid before seeking out your physician, these are time proven procedures used by homeopathic practitioners.

From the Introduction

This work contains in a condensed form a very large portion of all that is practically useful in the treatment of the diseases ordinarily occurring in this country. The symptoms are given with sufficient minuteness and detail to enable any one of ordinary capacities of observation to distinguish the complaint; and the treatment is so plainly laid down, that no one need make a mistake. If strictly followed, it will, in a very large proportion of cases, effect cures, even when administered by those unacquainted with the medical sciences generally.

It has been written from necessity, to meet the demands of community for a more definite work in a concise form, that should contain remedies of the most reliable character, with such directions for their use as can be followed by the traveler on his journey, or by families at home, when no physician is at hand. It might seem to some preposterous to speak of a demand for another domestic Homoeopathic Practice, when half a score or more of such works are now extant, some having come out within a very short time.

The demand arises, not from the want of Books, but from the defects of those that exist. There is in most of them, too little point and definiteness in the prescriptions, and a kind of vague doubting recommendation noticeable to all, which carries the impression at once to every reader, of a want of confidence by the author in his own directions.



The surface of the body should be kept clean, as far as possible, and to this end, in summer, should be well bathed at least once a day. In winter, though useful, it is not so indispensable; still no one should neglect the bath more than a week, and all ought to bathe at least twice a week, if not oftener, even in winter.

The bath should be of a temperature that is agreeable, and the room warm, especially for a feeble person. It should be so applied as not to give a general chill, as such shocks are always hurtful.

The teeth should be kept clean and free from tartar. They should be cleaned every morning and after each meal. The feet, legs and arms should be warmly clothed, especially the arms, as an exposure of them to cold is liable to induce affections of the lungs, and to aggravate any existing disease of those organs.

By exposure of the feet and legs to cold, diseases and derangements of the female organs, even in young girls, are induced; and one prolific cause of female weakness is to be found in improper dressing of the feet and legs, while the lung affections of females, now so fearfully prevalent, are traceable in a great degree to the fashion that has prevailed for a few years, of exposing the arms to cold.


The diet of the sick should he nutricious, but at all times simple, free from greasy substances, and from all stimulating condiments whatsoever, as well as from vinegar, or food in which vinegar is used.

In short, let the food be nutritious, easily digested, small or moderate in quantity, and free from all "seasoning," except salt or sugar; and if salt is used at all, let the quantity be very small, much less than would be used in health.


This disease consists in a looseness of the bowels, generally accompanied with pain in the abdomen, more or less severe. It sometimes occurs without pain, but is then attended with a sense of weakness, and a general feeling of uneasiness. It prevails mostly in the warm seasons, but may occur at any time. It is not usually considered a very dangerous affection, except during the prevalence of Cholera, or in children during hot weather.


Veratrum and Phos. acid, given alternately, at intervals, as frequently as the discharges from the bowels occur, will generally be sufficient. If there is nausea or vomiting, or cramping pains in the bowels, give Ipecac in alternation with one or both the former. If thirst and a burning of the stomach or bowels exist, use Arsenicum. This last medicine may be given in alternation with either of the others, but is most frequently indicated in connection with Veratrum. The intervals between the doses should be regulated by the frequency of the evacuations in all cases, lengthening them as the evacuations become less frequent, until they cease. In children, where the discharges are greenish or slimy, and contain undigested food, give Chamomilla and Ipecac alternately, as above directed. If the discharges are dark, or yellow, with distress in the stomach, give Podophyllin.

The dose is from 3 to 6 pellets. In all cases of diarrhoea, adults should abstain from all kinds of food until cured, if possible, and eat but little at first, when food is taken. Children should be fed carefully, and but a small quantity at a time, being particular both for adults and children to use as little liquid as possible; drink water in small quantities, not very cold. Avoid exercise, and lie on the back quietly, when that is practicable. In a large majority of cases, Veratrum, if given in the early stages of the disease, will arrest it at once, and in many chronic diarrhoeas of weeks or months standing, it is the surest remedy. In chronic diarrhoea of females, Podophyllin should be used in alternation with Veratrum.

8¼" height 5¼" width - 125+ pages

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