Spirituality-Religions Ancient Religions Devil Worship : Sacred Books and Traditions of the Yezidiz

Devil Worship : Sacred Books and Traditions of the Yezidiz

Devil Worship : Sacred Books and Traditions of the Yezidiz
Catalog # SKU1405
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Isya Joseph


Devil Worship

The Sacred Books and
Traditions of the Yezidiz

Isya Joseph

The Yezidis, frequently called "Devil-Worshippers," are a small and obscure religious sect, numbering about 20,000. They are scattered over a belt of territory three hundred miles wide, extending in length from the neighborhood of Aleppo in northern Syria to the Caucasus in southern Russia. The mass of them, however, are to be found in the mountains of northern and central Kurdistan and among the Sinjar Hills of Northern Mesopotamia.



The origin of the devil-worshippers has been the subject of much controversy; but aside from an expression of views, no satisfactory solution of the problem has as yet been reached. The different theories which have been advanced may be classified under four general heads: The Myth of the Yezidis themselves; the tradition of Eastern Christians; the dogmatic idea of the Mohammedan scholars; and the speculative theory of the western orientalists.


The Myth of the Yezidis concerning their origin may be derived from three different sources: from their sacred book, from the appendix of the manuscript, and from actual conversation of travellers with them or with natives dwelling among them. One noticeable fact is that this tradition assumes the religion of the sect as existing long before the time of their chief saint, Sei? 'AdI. Al-Jilwah begins with the statement that Melek Taus sent his servant, i.e., the Yezidis, that they might not go astray. Starting from this assumption, the writer of the revealed book goes on to trace the origin of the "elect" to the very beginning of human history. He asserts that from the start God created them as a peculiar people of 'Azazil, i.e., Melek-Taus.

In the main, this idea finds expression in the oral traditions. But here we have a mass of material so clouded by superstition and ignorance that it is next to impossible to come to any conclusion as to the history of this interesting people. One point the myth repeatedly emphasizes, as an explanation of the origin of the sect, is that it was descended from Adam alone; while the other sects were descended from Adam and Eve.

For this reason, the same tradition implies. the Yezidis are nobler than the others. But how they have come to be such unique descendants is a question not easily answered. One account has it that when Adam and Eve disputed as to the generation of the human race, each claiming to be the sole begetter of the race, they finally agreed to put their seed in separate jars and seal them with their own seals. After nine months they opened the jars, and in Adam's jar they found two children, a male and a female. From these two the Yezidis were descended. Another explanation is that from Adam's essence was born Seher bn Jebr, of whom nothing is known; and of him, a separate community, which is the sect of Melek Taus. We have, moreover, the tradition that the Yezidis are descendants of a son born to Adam of his spittle.

Now whether this son be identical with Seher bn Jebr is not certain. Writing in one of the oriental periodicals, an eastern scholar quotes a Yezidi sei? in a statement which seems to corroborate the tradition that the Yezidis are a noble progeny of Adam; but the quotation differs from the instance previously cited in stating that the quarrel which took place between Adam and Eve led to their separation to places distant from each other a journey of forty days.

There, it is said, Adam miraculously gave birth to a son. Distressed by this incident, Eve asked God that she might find favor in her husband's eyes by giving birth to a child. Thereupon, it continues, she begat a very pretty daughter. Attracted by her beauty, Adam married her to his son. Now, the Yezidis, we are told, are the blessed seed of these two children.

160+ pages - 5 x 8 inches SoftCover


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