Mysteries Religion Christianity and the Mysteries

Christianity and the Mysteries

Christianity and the Mysteries
Catalog # SKU0198
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 3.00 lbs
ISBN 10: 0000000000
ISBN 13: 0000000000000


and the Mysteries

Paul Carus, Frank W. Cady, Frederick Monroe Tisdel,
Allan H. Gilbert, E. Albert Cook, Shirley Jackson Case,
Augustine S. Carman, Alexander R. Hohlfeld, Frances H. Miller,
George P. Adams, Isaac H. Hall, Grace Frank,
St. Ambrose, T. Thompson, Frank Byron Jevons,
George Cross, A. V. Williams Jackson, E. von Dobschutz,
William Ewart Gladstone, Richard Garbe, Albert J. Edmuunds

The Mysteries of Christianity lie in its customs, rituals and traditions. Where did these people get so many rituals and customs when the New Testament is virtually silent on the matter? 560 Pages of collected studies in this one volume on the Mysteries of Christianity.



* Greek Mysteries, A Preparation For Christianity
* Towneley Mystery Plays
* Popular Customs and the Mystery Plays
* Milton and the Mysteries
* The Two Nature Theory
* Mystery Religions and Early Christianity
* Christianity and the Mystery Religions
* The Gospel and the Greek Mysteries
* Abraham's Sacrifice
* Northern Passion & the Mysteries
* Mystery God and Olympian God
* Praise Before the Holy Mysteries
* Towneley Mysteries
* English Mystery Plays
* St. Ambrose on the Mysteries
* Hellenism and Christianity
* Hellenism of Christianity
* Zoroastrianism & Christianity
* Christianity & Hellenism
* The Olympian Religion
* Buddhism and Christianity
* Contributions of Buddhism to Christianity
* Postscripts on Buddhism and Christianity
* Buddhist Influence On Christianity


Sample Pages:

560 pages - 8½ x 11 softcover

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