Historical Reprints Esoteric - Spiritual Crystal Vision Through Crystal Gazing

Crystal Vision Through Crystal Gazing

Crystal Vision Through Crystal Gazing
Catalog # SKU1208
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Frater Achad


Crystal Vision
Through Crystal Gazing

The Crystal As A Stepping Stone
To Clear Vision
The Real Value Of Crystal-Gazing

by Frater Achad

The Purpose of this little volume is three-fold. (1) To give those who are interested in the art of Crystal-Gazing a clear and concise method of procedure, not alone in the practice of the work, but also in the preparation of the crystal itself, so that it becomes a true material basis or link with other planes. (2) To show that the Ancient Methods of Working -- if properly understood -- are more scientific than modern ones, since they were designed to insure a definite type of vision and to put the Seer in touch with definite Intelligences of a Higher Order. (3) To point out that there are other Crystalline Spheres besides the crystal ball at first used to contact them; and that eventually the practice may lead to very high results, if the necessary steps are taken to insure success.

Dedicated to Those Who
Having Realized the Difficulties
of the Path Have Sworn to
Overcome All Things

Excerpt from the PREFACE:

With these objects in mind, the Author has done all in his power to make this book of real value to all who may obtain it.

In the hands of the beginner it may lead to a wider conception of the Nature and Powers of his, or her, own being. Those who have already traveled some distance along the Occult Path may still find help through the study of the more advanced, if less understood, methods of the Ancient Seers. Those who are seeking to make their own Vision more Perfect, so that the Light of Truth may focus itself within them, will also find hints as to the means of accomplishing their True Purpose.

Thus, it is hoped, all will be satisfied; and should their satisfaction be equal to that of the Author at this opportunity to herald the Light -- however faintly -- of the Ultimate Crystalline Sphere, Whose nature is Light Itself, he will be more than repaid for his efforts.The study of Crystal Gazing without a Crystal would appear very much like the study of a "Bill of Fare" without troubling to obtain the material food described thereon. The mere reading of a book on a subject of this nature without an attempt to put into practice the processes described -- step by step -- from the very beginning, is futile and a mere waste of time.

The first consideration, therefore (if the would-be seer has not already attended to the matter), will be the choice of a suitable Crystal to form the material basis of his experiments and a stepping-stone to the development of his latent powers of clear vision.

In all probability the aspirant to this ancient art has already been attracted to a Crystal Sphere of this nature, for there is little doubt of the extraordinary magnetic attraction of objects of this kind whenever they are exposed to our view, and since the present interest in this fascinating subject has become apparent, we may see these Crystals displayed more publicly than has ever been the case in the past.

100+pages - 8.25 x 5.25 inches SoftCover


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