Christ Myth, The

Christ Myth, The
Catalog # SKU0811
Publisher Distributors
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Elizabeth Evans


The Christ Myth

by: Elizabeth Evans

The Christ Myth

Author: Elizabeth Evans

Was the entire story of Jesus nothing more than that-just a story? Evans presents an interesting argument to that effect. Many things accepted as true regarding the story of Jesus may in fact not be true. This book refutes the story of Christ based on factual evidence combined with strong opinions of the author that may or may not be proven.

One thing is clear-reading this book will allow the reader to think, and decide an important issue for oneself without blindly accepting what an authority has claimed. Many have been conditioned to accept Jesus in certain ways without the use of reason. Evans provides us with a form of rational thinking that has been left out of our religious conditioning process. That is the value of this book. Those who read it will find it challenging and rewarding.


Krishna was miraculously conceived by divine agency, and his uncle, the Rajah of Madura, fearing to be supplanted in his kingdom, determined to slay the infant at its birth, but the plan being frustrated by the vigilance of Krishna's protectors, the rajah ordered the massacre of all the male children of the same age among his subjects. Such a deed might be performed under a despotic Indian ruler in ancient times, but not in a Roman province in the time of the Caesars.

End excerpt

Softbound, 130 pages

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