The Goddess Vintage Erotica Boudoir : A Magazine of Scandal

Boudoir : A Magazine of Scandal

Boudoir : A Magazine of Scandal
Catalog # SKU2603
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Anonymous


The Boudoir

The Six Issues of
A Magazine of Scandal,
Facetiae, &c. from 1883


Vintage (or Victorian) erotic fiction.

Completely reformatted, footnoted, and re-arranged to bring the entire books published in the 6 volumes into their normal consecutive sequence, rather than spread across the 6 issues with the annoying "continued on page---"

The magazine format was completely dropped and republished in book format. Nothing is taboo in these anonymously written erotica of our forefathers(mothers?).



Three Pretty Milliners

"My cousin, Charlie Warner, just from the country to become a medical student. Miss Bessie, Annie, and Rosa Robinson, three as pretty and lovely little milliners as you ever saw or will see again," said Harry, making the introduction as they entered.

The brothers kissed all three girls, and as it seemed the correct thing Charlie was not slow to follow their example, beginning with Rosa, the youngest, a fair, golden-haired, little beauty of seventeen; then Annie, with her light brown hair and hazel eyes, and finishing with Miss Bessie, a twenty- year-old darling, with dark auburn hair, and such a pair of glancing eyes as would almost ravish the soul of any soft- hearted youth who had not a stronger mind than our young hero, who looked on all girls as playthings rather than as being worthy of serious love.

"What a pretty supper the confectioners have sent in for you -fowls, tongue, and champagne -it made us rather expect something unusual, and we are so pleased to see Mr. Warner; besides you know there is no jealousy here, and his fair face is a delightful contrast to you two rather dark gentlemen," said Annie, adding, "and you, Frank, are my partner for the evening, as Harry was my cavalier last time; and I'm so glad there's Mr. Warner for Rosa, although Bessie and I shall feel rather jealous about it, we can wait for our turns another day."

"This is the jolliest place I know of," said Harry, handing Bessie to her seat at the table; "everything ready to hand, and nothing cleared away till we are gone; no flunkeys or parlour-maids to wait on us or listen to every word, and we can do as we like."

"Not exactly, Sir," put in Annie, "even when the light is out you must behave yourselves."

"We have a little longer this evening for our dark sèance," said Frank; "we are taking Charlie to the theatre, and to Scott's for supper, so they don't expect us till half past twelve or so, and the housekeeper will sit up for her reward, won't she, Harry?"

"What's that," pouted Rosa, giving a sly look; "oh, those two boys are dreadful, just as if they would want any more of 'that' when they got home."

"Oh, she never tells tales, so we kiss her," answered Frank.

"Tell that to your grandmother. As if you could kiss without taking other liberties, Sir," said Annie.

This kind of badinage lasted all supper time, but Charlie pledged the sisters one after the other so as not to show any marked preference, still at the same time in a quiet sort of way he tried all he could to make himself particularly agreeable to Rosa, who evidently was rather taken with him. "It's so nice to have you to myself," she said archly, as the supper had come to an end, "but mind you are not too naughty when they turn out the gas."

Something in her deep blue eyes and look so fired his feelings that taking her unresisting hand under the table he placed it on his thigh, just over the most sensitive member of the male organisation, and was at once rewarded by the gentle pressures of her fingers, which assured him she quite understood the delicate attention.

The others were too absorbed in some similar manipulation to notice Charlie and Rosa, as he adroitly unfastened about three buttons of his trousers, and directing her hand to the place, and presently felt she had quite grasped the naked truth...

Printed in a large 12 point font for ease of reading

299+ pages - 8¼ X 6¾ softcover

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