Web Servers
$60 Server
Do you have a website? Paying monthly to be on a shared host with thousands of other websites?
Why waste good money on that outdated method when you can have your own virtual dedicated server for only $60.00 a month?
Have a dedicated IP# for your site
90% of your site can be managed through a quality interface - Cpanel!
Your server can be managed from from Cpanel's Web Host Manager interface!
One Time setup cost of $15.00 (added under shipping costs in this cart)
Platform: Unix/Linux, Apache, PHP 5, MySql, OpenVZ
Memory: 1125 MB
Storage: 75GB Disk Space
Bandwidth : 9mbps / 2700GB
Web Host Manager
Dedicated IP
Includes one hour of admin help/service per month
Requirements: After your first Payment of $60.00 + one time setup fee $15.00:
In a separate email to the email address above send us
Copy and paste this agreement below into your email
I understand and agree that my credit card/paypay account will be debited $60.00
once a month for the next month's service plus a $2.00 credit service fee.
I understand that if the debit is declined that the server will go offline within 24 hours,
unless payment is made.
I understand that the debit to my credit card or paypal account will come from TGS HiddenMysteries, the parent company of Lone Star Store/Domains/Servers.
If you need a website domain, click the banner below to acquire one.