Historical Reprints Philosophical Works of Philo Judaeus Vol. 1

Works of Philo Judaeus Vol. 1

Works of Philo Judaeus Vol. 1
Catalog # SKU1395
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 2.00 lbs
Author Name Philo Judaeus


The Works of
Philo Judaeus

Volume 1

Philo Judaeus
Translator: C.D. Yonge

Volume 1 of The Works of Philo,
the root of the word Philosophy,
republished in three volumes.


The sacred laws having been written in five books, the first is called and inscribed Genesis, deriving its title from the creation ('genesis') of the world, which it contains at the beginning; although there are ten thousand other matters also introduced which refer to peace and to war, or to fertility and barrenness, or to hunger and plenty, or to the terrible destructions which have taken place on earth by the agency of fire and water; or, on the contrary, to the birth and rapid propagation of animals and plants in accordance with the admirable arrangement of the atmosphere, and the seasons of the year, and of men, some of whom lived in accordance with virtue, while others were associated with wickedness.

But since of these things some are portions of the world, and some are accidents, and since the world is the most perfect and complete of all things, he has nominally assigned the whole book to that subject.

We have then examined with all the accuracy that was in our power, in what manner the creation of the world was arranged in our previous treatises; but since it is necessary, to be consistent with the regular order in which the sacred history proceeds to go on, now to investigate the laws, we will for the present postpone the particular laws which are copies as it were; and first of all examine the more general laws which are, as it were, the models of the others. Now these are those men who have lived irreproachably and admirably, whose virtues are durably and permanently recorded, as on pillars in the sacred scriptures, not merely with the object of praising the men themselves, but also for the sake of exhorting those who read their history, and of leading them on to emulate their conduct; for these men have been living and rational laws; and the lawgiver has magnified them for two reasons; first, because he was desirous to show that the injunctions which are thus given are not inconsistent with nature; and, secondly, that he might prove that it is not very difficult or laborious for those who wish to live according to the laws established in these books, since the earliest men easily and spontaneously obeyed the unwritten principle of legislation before any one of the particular laws were written down at all.

So that a man may very properly say, that the written laws are nothing more than a memorial of the life of the ancients, tracing back in an antiquarian spirit, the actions and reasonings which they adopted; for these first men, without ever having been followers or pupils of any one, and without ever having been taught by preceptors what they ought to do or say, but having embraced a line of conduct consistent with nature from attending to their own natural impulses, and from being prompted by an innate virtue, and looking upon nature herself to be, what in fact she is, the most ancient and duly established of laws, did in reality spend their whole lives in making laws, never of deliberate purpose doing anything open to reproach, and for their accidental errors propitiating God, and appeasing him by prayers and supplications, so as to procure for themselves the enjoyment of an entire life of virtue and prosperity, both in respect of their deliberate actions, and those which proceeded from no voluntary purpose.


Life of Abraham - The Wise Man Made Perfect By Instruction
Life of Joseph -A Man Occupied With Affairs Of State
On The Theology And Prophetic Office Of Moses.
Book I. Life of Moses
Book II. Life of Moses
Book III. Life of Moses
A Treatise On The Contemplative Life
A Treatise On The Virtues And On The Office Of Ambassadors,
Addressed to Gaius [Caligula].
A Treatise Against Flaccus
A Treatise On The Cherubim; And On The Flaming Sword.
Of Cain And His Birth
A Treatise On The Confusion Of Languages.
A Treatise On Fugitives.
A Treatise On The Giants
Who Is The Heir Of Divine Things.
On The Unchangeableness Of God
A Treatise On Monarchy
Book I
Book II.
A Treatise On Nobility.

450+ pages - 10.5 x 7.5 inches SoftCover


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