Mysteries Government William Cooper: Death of A Conspiracy Salesman

William Cooper: Death of A Conspiracy Salesman

William Cooper: Death of A Conspiracy Salesman
Catalog # SKU0395
Publisher InnerLight/Global
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Commander X


William Cooper:
Death of A Conspiracy Salesman

by Commander X

11/5/01 - William Cooper, controversial author of "Behold A Pale Horse" and radio talk show host, was shot to death by sheriff deputies in an exchange of gunfire, fulfilling his often-stated wish to go out in a blaze of glory. News of Coopers death spread quickly via the Internet as friend and foe alike posted letters and tributes describing their past, often confrontational, encounters with an individual many consider to be the most controversial man in modern American history.

But who was William Milton Cooper? UFO expert who once claimed he saw Classified documents pertaining to crashed UFOs and aliens captured by the U.S. government? Conspiracy theorist? A Intelligence Operative with Top-/Secret Clearance? Controversial radio personality? Survivalist? Patriot? FANATIC?

The person that was once called the "most dangerous man on America's airwaves" by the President of the Untied States? Here, gathered together for the first time in one book by Commander X, are William Coopers thoughts and findings on such mind-shattering subjects as: The Illuminati, the MJ12 coverup, Terrorism and the World Trade Center Disaster, the New World Order, UFOs and aliens, the JFK assassination, and much more!

Cooper always said he acted from his "conscience" and sought to warn Americans of the dangers of the New World Order. Cooper also warned of the possibility of an "alien invasion," creeping socialism and the dismantlement of the U.S. Constitution. Just how on track was he?

Softbound, 8.5" x 11", 92 pages

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