Historical Reprints Esoteric - Spiritual Wanderer In The Spirit Lands, A

Wanderer In The Spirit Lands, A

Wanderer In The Spirit Lands, A
Catalog # SKU1767
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Franchezzo


A Wanderer
In The Spirit Lands


The following narrative was written more than a year ago, and in giving it to the public I do not claim to be its author, since I have only acted the part of an amanuensis and endeavored to write down as truthfully and as carefully as I could, the words given to me by the Spirit Author himself, who is one of several spirits who have desired me to write down for them their experiences in the spirit world.

I have had to write the words as fast as my pen could travel over the paper, and many of the experiences described and opinions advanced are quite contrary to what I myself believed to be in accordance with the conditions of life in the world of spirits.

From the Author:

To those who toil still in the mists and darkness of uncertainty which veil the future of their earthly lives, I dedicate this record of the Wanderings of one who has passed from earth life into the hidden mysteries of the Life Beyond, in the hope that through my experiences now given to the world, some may be induced to pause in their downward career and think ere they pass from the mortal life, as I did, with all their unrepented sins thick upon them.

It is to those of my brethren who are treading fast upon the downward path, that I would fain hope to speak, with the power which Truth ever has over those who do not blindly seek to shut it out; for if the after consequences of a life spent in dissipation and selfishness are often terrible even during the earth-life, they are doubly so in the Spirit World, where all disguise is stripped from the soul, and it stands forth in all the naked hideousness of its sins, with the scars of the spiritual disease contracted in its earthly life stamped upon its spirit form--never to be effaced but by the healing powers of sincere repentance and the cleansing waters of its own sorrowful tears.


The Imperial City.

We were now traversing a wide causeway of black marble, on either side of which were deep, dark chasms of which it was impossible to see the bottom from the great clouds of heavy vapor that hung over them. Passing and repassing us upon this highway were a great many dark spirits, some bearing great heavy loads upon their backs, others almost crawling along on all fours like beasts. Great gangs of slaves passed us, wearing heavy iron collars on their necks and linked together by a heavy chain.

They were coming from the second or inner gate of what was evidently a large fortified city whose dark buildings loomed through the dense masses of dark fog in front of us. The causeway, the style of buildings, and the appearance of many of the spirits made me feel as though we were entering some ancient fortified city of the old Roman Empire, only here everything gave one the sense of being foul and horrible, in spite of the fine architecture and the magnificent buildings whose outlines we could dimly trace. The second gateway was finer in appearance than the first, and the gates being open we passed in with the stream of spirits hurrying through it, and as before we seemed to pass unseen.

"You will perceive," said Faithful Friend, "that here there is a life in no way different from the earthly life of such a city at the time when the one of which this is the spiritual reflection, was in the full zenith of its power, and when the particles of which this is formed were thrown off from its material life and drawn down by the force of attraction to form this city and these buildings, fit dwellings for its spiritual inhabitants; and you will see in the more modern appearance of many of the buildings and inhabitants how it has been added to from time to time by the same process which is going on continuously. You will notice that most of the spirits here fancy themselves still in the earthly counterpart and wonder why all looks so dark and foul and dingy.

In like manner this same city has its spiritual prototype in the higher spheres to which all that was fair and good and noble in its life has been attracted, and where those spirits who were good and true have gone to dwell; for in the lives of cities as of men the spiritual emanations are attracted upwards or downwards according as there is good or evil in the deeds done in them. And as the deeds done in this city have in evil far exceeded those which were good, so this city is far larger, far more thickly peopled in this sphere than in those above. In the ages to come when the spirits who are here now shall have progressed, that heavenly counterpart will be fully finished and fully peopled, and then will this place we gaze at now have crumbled into dust--faded from this sphere."

We were now in a narrow street, such as it must have been in the earthly city, and a short distance farther brought us into a large square surrounded with magnificent palaces, while before us towered one more splendid in design than all the others. A great wide flight of marble steps led up to its massive portico, and looming through the dark cloudy atmosphere we could trace its many wings and buildings. All was truly on a magnificent scale, yet all to my eyes appeared dark, stained with great splashes of blood, and covered with slimy fungus growth which disfigured the magnificence and hung in great repulsive-looking festoons, like twisted snakes, from all the pillars and cope-stones of the buildings.

Black slimy mud oozed up through the crevices of the marble pavement, as though the city floated upon a foul swamp, and noisome vapors curled up from the ground and floated above and around us in fantastic and horrible smoke wreaths like the huge phantoms of past crimes. Everywhere were dark spirits crawling across the great square and in and out of the palace doors, driven onward by other stronger dark spirits with lash or spear. Such cries of execration as broke forth from time to time, such fearful oaths, such curses and imprecations, it was truly the pandemonium of the lost souls in the Infernal regions! And over all hung those black night clouds of sorrow and suffering and wrong.


Preface by the Transcriber.
Dedication by the Author.

Part I. Days of Darkness.

Chapter I.-- My Death.
Chapter II.-- Despair.
Chapter III.-- A Door of Spiritual Sight
  Hope-- Wanderings on the Earth Plane--
Chapter IV.-- The Brotherhood of Hope.
Chapter V.-- Spirits of the Earth Plane.
Chapter VI.-- Twilight Lands
  Love's Gifts--The Valley of Selfishness--The Country of Unrest--   The Miser's Land--The Gambler's Land.
Chapter VII.-- The Story of Raoul.
Chapter VIII.-- Temptation.
Chapter IX.-- The Frozen Land
  The Caverns of Slumber.
Chapter X.-- My House in the Twilight Lands
Communion Between the Living and the Dead.
Chapter XI.- -Ahrinziman.
Chapter XII.-- My Second Death.

Part II. The Dawn of Light.

Chapter XIII.-- Welcome in the Land of Dawn
  My New Home There.
Chapter XIV.-- A Father's Love.
Chapter XV.-- A New Expedition Proposed.
Chapter XVI.-- Clairvoyance-- The Journey Begun.
Chapter XVII.-- The Astral Plane
  Its Inhabitants: Spooks, Elves, Vampires, etc.
Chapter XVIII.-- The Approach to Hell.

Part III. Hell

Chapter XIX. -- The Kingdom of Hell.
Chapter XX.-- The Imperial City.
Chapter XXI.-- The Fires of Hell
  A Vengeful Spirit--Pirates-- The Sea of Foul Mud--   The Mountains of Selfish Oppression--The Forest of Desolation--   Messages of Love.
Chapter XXII.-- Amusements in a Great City of Hell
  Words of Caution.
Chapter XXIII.-- The Palace of My Ancestors
  False Brothers Baffled.
Chapter XXIV.-- The Story of Benedetto
  Plotters Again Baffled.
Chapter XXV.-- A Pitched Battle in Hell.
Chapter XXVI.-- Farewell to the Dark Land.

Part IV. "Through the Gates of Gold."

Chapter XXVII.-- Welcome on Our Return
  A Magic Mirror--Work in the Cities of Earth--The Land of Remorse--   The Valley of Phantom Mists--A Home of Rest.
Chapter XXVIII.-- the Morning Land.
  My Home and Work in the Morning Land.
Chapter XXIX.-- The Formation of Planets.
Chapter XXX.-- Materialization of Spirits.
Chapter XXXI.-- Why the Spheres Are Invisible
  Spirit Photographs.
Chapter XXXII.-- Through the Gates of Gold
  My Mother--My Home in the Land of Bright Day--   I Am Joined by Benedetto.
Chapter XXXIII.-- My Vision of the Spheres.
Chapter XXXIV.-- Conclusion.

Softcover, 5¼" x 8¾", 305+ pages

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