Historical Reprints Religion Visions of the Sleeping Bard - Gweledigaetheu y Bardd Cwsc

Visions of the Sleeping Bard - Gweledigaetheu y Bardd Cwsc

Visions of the Sleeping Bard - Gweledigaetheu y Bardd Cwsc
Catalog # SKU3280
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Ellis Wynne, Elis Wyn, Robert Gwyneddon Davies, George Barrow
ISBN 10: 1610336453
ISBN 13: 9781610336451


The Visions
of the Sleeping Bard
Gweledigaetheu y Bardd Cwsc
Visions of World, Death and Hell

2 Translations in 1 Volume!
Large Print

Ellis Wynne the Sleeping Bard
Translator: Robert Gwyneddon Davies
Translator: George Barrow

Ellis Wynne appeared at a time when his country had sore need of him, when the appointed teachers of the nation were steeped in apathy and corruption, when ignorance and immorality overspread the land - the darkest hour before the dawn. He was one of the early precursors of the Methodist revival in Wales, a voice crying in the wilderness, calling upon his countrymen to repent. He neither feared nor favored any man or class, but delivered his message in unfaltering tone, and performed his alloted task honestly and faithfully. How deeply our country is indebted to him who did her such eminent service in the days of adversity and gloom will never be known. And now, in the time of prosperity, Wales still remembers her benefactor, and will always keep honored the name of Ellis Wynne, the SLEEPING BARD.

--New Edition, large 15 point font


Excerpt from 1st translation:

One April morning, bright and mild, when earth was with verdure laden, and Britain, like a paradise, had donned its brilliant livery, foretelling summer's sunshine, I sauntered along the banks of the Severn, while around me, chaunting their sweet carols, the forest's little songsters in rivalry poured forth songs of praise to their Maker; and I, who was far more bounden than they to give praise, at one while lifted up my voice with the gentle winged choristers, and at another read "The Practice of Piety." 67a For all that, my previous visions would not from my mind, but time after time broke in upon every other thought.

They continued to trouble me until after careful reasoning I concluded that every vision is a heaven-sent warning against sin, and that therefore it was my duty to write them down as a warning to others also. And whilst occupied with this work, and sadly endeavouring to recall some of those awful memories, there fell upon me at my task such drowsiness that soon opened the way for Master Sleep to glide in perforce. No sooner had sleep taken possession of my senses than there drew nigh unto me a glorious apparition upon the form of a young man, tall and exceeding fair; his raiments were whiter sevenfold than snow, the brightness of his face darkened the sun, his wavy, golden locks rested on his brow in two shining coronal wreaths. "Come with me, thou mortal being," he exclaimed, when he had drawn near. "Who art thou, Lord?" said I. "I am the Angel of the realms of the North," answered he, "guardian of Britain and its queen. I am one of the princes who stand below the throne of the Lamb, receiving his commands to protect the Gospel against all its enemies in Hell, in Rome and in France, in Constantinople, in Africa and in India, and wherever else they may be, devising plans for its destruction. I am the Angel who saved thee beneath the Castle of Belial, and who showed thee the vanity and madness of all the earth, the City of Destruction and the splendor of Emmanuel's City; and again have I come at his bidding to show thee greater things, because thou art seeking to make good use of what thou hast seen erstwhile." "How can it be, Lord," asked I, "that your glorious highness, guardian of kings and kingdoms, does condescend to associate with carrion such as I?" "Ah," said he, "in our sight a beggar's virtue is more than a king's majesty. What if I am greater than all the kings of earth, and supreme to many of the countless lords of heaven?

Yet, since our eternal Sovereign vouchsafed to take upon Himself such unutterable humiliation - put on one of your bodies, lived in your midst, and died to save you, how dare I deem it otherwise than too sublime for my office to serve thee and the meanest of men, who are so high in my Master's favor? Hence, spirit, cast off thine earthy mould!" he cried, gazing upwards: and at the word, I beheld him fall free of all bodily form, and snatch me up to the vault of heaven, through the region of thunder and lightning, and all the glowing armouries of the empyrean; higher, immeasureably higher than I had previously been with him, and where the earth appeared scarcely wider than a stack-yard. Having allowed me to rest awhile, he hurried me upwards a myriad miles, until the sun appeared far beneath us; through the milky way, past Pleiades, and many other stars of appalling magnitude, catching a distant glimpse of other worlds.

And after journeying for a long time, we come at last to the confines of the great eternity, in sight of the two courts of the vauntful King of Death - one to the right, the other to the left, but very far apart from one another as there lay an immense void between them. I asked whether I might go and see the court on my right hand, for I observed that this was not at all like the other I had previously seen. "Thou shalt perchance," said he, "see, somewhile, more of the difference there is between them. But now we must proceed in another direction." At that we turned away from the little world, and across the intervening space we let ourselves descend into the Eternal Realm between the two courts, into the formless void, a boundless tract, most deep and dark, chaotic and uninhabited, at one time cold, at another hot, 69a now silent, now resounding with the roaring of cataracts falling and quenching the fires, and anon of the fire bursting out and burning up the water.

Thus, there was neither order nor completeness, nor life nor form: nought but this dazing dissonance, this mysterious stupor which would have made me for ever blind, had not my friend laid bare once more his vesture of heavenly sheen. By the light he gave I saw before me to the left the Land of Oblivion, and the borders of the Wilds of Destruction; and to my right, methought, the base of the ramparts of Glory. "This is the great abysm between Abraham and Dives," said he, "which is called Chaos: this is the land of the matter which God did first create, and here is the seed of every living thing; of these the Almighty Word created your world and all it doth contain - water, fire, air, earth, beasts, fishes, insects, birds and the human body; but your souls are of a higher and nobler origin and stock."

Through the huge, frightful chaos we at length broke forth to the left; and ere we had journey'd far therein where every object grew uglier and uglier, I felt my heart in my throat, and my hair erect like a hedgehog's bristles, even before perceiving anything; but what I did perceive was a sight no tongue can describe nor the mind of a mortal dwell upon. I fainted. Oh, that limitless abyss, so dire and terrible, opening out upon another world! How those awful flames crackled incessantly as they darted upwards above the banks of the accursed ravine, and the shafts of impetuous lightning rent the thick, black smoke which the yawning chasm belched forth!

Sample Page From the 2nd translation:

332 pages - 7 x 8½ softcover
ISBN-10: 1610336453
ISBN-13: 9781610336451

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