Historical Reprints Religion USURY : A Scriptural, Ethical and Economic View

USURY : A Scriptural, Ethical and Economic View

USURY : A Scriptural, Ethical and Economic View
Catalog # SKU1931
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Calvin Elliott



A Scriptural, Ethical
and Economic View

Calvin Elliott

It always befuddles my mind how modern Christians can take a half verse out of the Bible, regarding induced miscarriages and create an entire anti-abortion movement from it. YET, with the hundreds of references and condemnations of usury - money changing in the Bible, Christians ignore and disobey, with intent, all the scriptures regarding usury and the money changers. The one time their 1/3 God got violent was in the overthrow of the moneychangers and today the Christians put them in the pulpit and take Master Card as tithes and offerings.

This book written in 1902 back when Christians at least feigned to look like they obeyed their scriptures was written by a Christian. TRUE Christian scholars should be on an endangered species list, since nothing put whited sepulcre's have replaced them. Why aren't modern Christians paying attention to obedience to their God? It would seem God was at least 10 to 1 more displeased with usury than forced miscarriages. Why do they not organize in mass to picket banks like they do abortion clinics? -- It's their hypocrisy! and this Christian scholar points it out in 1902!

This is a facsimile reprint.

8¼" height 6¾" width - 300+ pages

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